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    The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in today's rapidly changing global economy

    Beschreibung The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in today's rapidly changing global economy. Virtually everything about the way people live and do business is changing faster than ever before. Digital technology, global development, urbanization, and business disruption represent both a major opportunity and a threat in the global economy. Although individuals and organizations are aware that the world is changing exponentially, most are ill-equipped to face this level of disruption and volatility. The Disruptors’ Feast is a unique look into the trends that are shaping the world of the future, and a guide on how to avoid being eaten alive. Frits van Paasschen is a seasoned global executive whose work has brought him to more than 100 countries. In The Disruptors’ Feast, van Paasschen takes readers on a literary journey to far-flung places around the globe to uncover the forces that are disrupting the status quo and driving change. His travel experiences illustrate how the stage is being set for even greater disruption, and what individuals and organizations can do to prepare for change and stay relevant in a tumultuous environment. This book isn’t about the end of an era, but the end of eras. People have everything to gain or lose in how they deal with what is coming, regardless of their location, industry, profession, or aspirations. van Paasschen’s unique insight offers a fresh perspective that is dearly needed in business today.

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    The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in ~ The Disruptors' Feast is a unique look into the trends that are shaping the world of the future, and a guide on how to avoid being eaten alive. Frits van Paasschen is a seasoned global executive whose work has brought him to more than 100 countries. In The Disruptors' Feast, van Paasschen takes readers on a literary journey to far-flung places around the globe to uncover the forces that are .

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    The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in ~ The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in today's rapidly changing global economy / van Paasschen, Frits / ISBN: 9780692798003 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in ~ The Disruptors’ Feast is a unique look into the trends that are shaping the world of the future, and a guide on how to avoid being eaten alive. Frits van Paasschen is a seasoned global executive whose work has brought him to more than 100 countries. In The Disruptors’ Feast, van Paasschen takes readers on a literary journey to far-flung places around the globe to uncover the forces that .

    The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in ~ The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in today's rapidly changing global economy 288. by Frits van Paasschen / Editorial Reviews. Paperback $ 16.99. Hardcover. $26.99. Paperback. $16.99. View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store is currently unavailable, but this item may be available for in-store purchase .

    The Disruptors' Feast: How to avoid being devoured in ~ The Disruptors' Feast is more than an inside look at what it takes to run a global company. It also shares real insights into profiting from global growth while avoiding being hammered by technological change. Smart investors will use The Disruptors' Feast to get the macro insights they need to build their game plan and get rich slowly, the lasting way! And smart managers? If you don't read it .

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