Beschreibung The Art of the Restaurateur (FOOD COOK). The Art of the Restaurateur presents the compelling stories behind some of the world's best restaurants, and celebrates the complex but unsung art of the restaurateur. In his first ever book, acclaimed Financial Times restaurant critic (and former restaurateur) Nicholas Lander reveals everything you ever wanted to know about the highs and lows of the restaurant business. Every story is fascinating, different, and has something to tell about the creation of a successful restaurant, from finding the right location to deciding what kind of food to serve. Engaging, erudite and packed with insights, the book is a must-read for anyone interested in food – especially, of course, anyone who's ever dreamed of opening a restaurant.
The Art of the Restaurateur (FOOD COOK): : Lander ~ The Art of the Restaurateur presents the compelling stories behind some of the world's best restaurants, and celebrates the complex but unsung art of the restaurateur. In his first ever book, acclaimed Financial Times restaurant critic (and former restaurateur) Nicholas Lander reveals everything you ever wanted to know about the highs and lows of the restaurant business.
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The Art of the Restaurateur: Lander, Nicholas ~ Successful London restaurateur himself, Lander explores just what skills and qualities a restaurateur needs to rise above the pack and achieve greatness in this highly diverse and competitive profession. Profiling 20 restaurateurs from Europe and America, Lander briefly tells their stories and then tries to identify each oneâs special gifts .
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