Beschreibung Vicious Games: Capitalism and Gambling (Anthropology, Culture and Society). Gambling is everywhere, on our TVs and phones, on billboards on our streets, and emblazoned across the chests of idolised sports stars. Why has gambling suddenly expanded? How was it transformed from a criminal activity to a respectable business run by multinational corporations listed on international stock markets? And who are the winners and losers created by this transformation? Vicious Games is based on field research with the people who produce, shape and consume gambling. Rebecca Cassidy explores the gambling industry's affinity with capitalism and the free market and how the UK has led the way in exporting 'light touch' regulation and 'responsible gambling' around the world. She reveals how the industry extracts wealth from some of our poorest communities, and examines the adverse health effects on those battling gambling addiction.  The gambling industry has become increasingly profitable and influential, emboldened by thirty years of supportive government policies and boosted by unnatural profits. Through an anthropological excavation, Vicious Games opens up this process, with the intention of creating alternative, more equitable futures.
Vicious Games: Capitalism and Gambling (Anthropology ~ Vicious Games is based on field research with the people who produce, shape and consume gambling. Rebecca Cassidy explores the gambling industry's affinity with capitalism and the free market and how the UK has led the way in exporting 'light touch' regulation and 'responsible gambling' around the world. She reveals how the industry extracts wealth from some of our poorest communities, and .
Vicious Games - Pluto Press ~ Vicious Games is based on field research with the people who produce, shape and consume gambling. Rebecca Cassidy explores the gambling industry's affinity with capitalism and the free market and how the UK has led the way in exporting 'light touch' regulation and 'responsible gambling' around the world. She reveals how the industry extracts wealth from some of our poorest communities, and .
Vicious Games: Capitalism and Gambling (Anthropology ~ Vicious Games: Capitalism and Gambling (Anthropology, Culture and Society) - Kindle edition by Cassidy, Rebecca. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Vicious Games: Capitalism and Gambling (Anthropology, Culture and Society).
Vicious Games: Capitalism and Gambling (Anthropology ~ Vicious Games is based on field research with the people who produce, shape and consume gambling. Rebecca Cassidy explores the gambling industry's affinity with capitalism and the free market and how the UK has led the way in exporting 'light touch' regulation and 'responsible gambling' around the world. She reveals how the industry extracts .
Vicious Games: Capitalism and Gambling by Rebecca Cassidy ~ Vicious Games is based on field research with the people who produce, shape and consume gambling. Rebecca Cassidy explores the gambling industry's affinity with capitalism and the free market and how the UK has led the way in exporting 'light touch' regulation and 'responsible gambling' around the world. She reveals how the industry extracts wealth from some of our poorest communities, and .
The Impact Of Gaming: A Benefit To Society [Infographic] ~ Video gamers have been a large and growing part of our culture for a long time. Whether you are eagerly awaiting the next Call of Duty release or trying to beat the next level of Candy Crush on .
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Games and Culture: SAGE Journals ~ Games and Culture peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is an international journal that promotes innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within interactive media. The journal serves as a premiere outlet for ground-breaking work in the field of game studies and its scope includes the socio-cultural, political, and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety .
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What Is Cultural Capital? - Definition, Examples & Theory ~ Cultural capital, unlike financial capital, is measured by how much value society places on non-financial assets, and we can use those assets to move up the social ladder. You don't have to be .
Systems theory in anthropology - Wikipedia ~ Systems theory in anthropology is an interdisciplinary, non-representative, non-referential, and non-Cartesian approach that brings together natural and social sciences to understand society in its complexity.The basic idea of a system theory in social science is to solve the classical problem of duality; mind-body, subject-object, form-content, signifier-signified, and structure-agency.
Cross-cultural studies - Wikipedia ~ Cross-cultural studies, sometimes called holocultural studies or comparative studies, is a specialization in anthropology and sister sciences (sociology, psychology, economics, political science) that uses field data from many societies to examine the scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior and culture.. Cross-cultural studies is the third form of cross-cultural .
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social change / Definition, Theory, & Examples / Britannica ~ Social change, in sociology, the alteration of mechanisms within the social structure, characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behaviour, social organizations, or value systems.. Throughout the historical development of their discipline, sociologists have borrowed models of social change from other academic fields.In the late 19th century, when evolution became the predominant .
Society for Cultural Anthropology ~ The Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA) is happy to announce that the 2020 winner of the annual Cultural Horizons Prize is Bo Kyeong Seo (Yonsei University). More. SCA Business Meeting: November 20, Noon Eastern Time. October 28, 2020. The Society for Cultural Anthropology's annual business meeting will be held on Friday, November 20, 2020, at noon eastern time. The winners of the .
The Society – Wikipedia ~ The Society ist eine US-amerikanische Drama serie mit Mystery-Elementen, die vom Video-on-Demand-Anbieter Netflix produziert und dort am 10. Mai 2019 veröffentlicht wurde. Die Idee stammt von Christopher Keyser.. Netflix hat die Serie ursprünglich im Juli 2019 verlängert, im August 2020 wurde die Verlängerung jedoch zurückgezogen und die Serie eingestellt.
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