Beschreibung AA Publishing: Autoatlas Britain Bed & Breakfest 2019 (AA Lifestyle Guides). The AA has been inspecting B&Bs for over 45 years, over 2,100 B&Bs rated for quality by professional AA inspectors. From the most stylish and sophisticated urban boutique accommodation to family-run homes in the countryside and from ultra-chic luxury to charmingly rustic home-from-home comfort and many points between, the AA B&B Guide has it all. Throughout the year, the AA&;s expert inspectors are visiting and grading the B&Bs that appear in this guide. Each one is judged on its presentation, quality of accommodation, leisure facilities, breakfasts and evening meals, service, hospitality, conference facilities, and cleanliness and housekeeping. They are then rated from one to five stars for quality; gold stars indicate "Highly Commended" B&B&;the very best places within three, four, and five star ratings. All five-star establishments&;the cream of the crop&;join the "Premier Collection" and are highlighted throughout the guide.
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