Beschreibung Wine Tourism Around the World: Development, Management and Markets. Wine tourism is a rapidly growing field of industry and academic interest with changes in the consumer markets in recent years, showing an enormous interest in 'experiential' travel. Wine Tourism Around the World is therefore an invaluable text for both students and practitioners alike and provides:
* The first comprehensive introduction to wine tourism from a business, social science and policy perspective
* An international perspective on wine tourism and includes detailed examples from Australia, Canada, France, Greece, Hungary, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK and the USA
* Detailed information on the growth and development of wine tourism from both supply, demand, marketing and management perspectives
Academic researchers and students in tourism and hospitality fields, as well as anyone connected with the wine industry, will find this book an essential guide to understanding the global impacts of wine tourism and the consequent economic, social and environmental impacts and opportunities.
C.Michael Hall is based at the University of Otago in New Zealand and is Visiting Professor in the School of Leisure and Food Management, Sheffield Hallam University. He has written widely on wine, food and rural tourism and has a major interest in cool-climate wine tourism.
Liz Sharples is a lecturer in the School of Leisure and Food Management, Sheffield Hallam University. She has extensive practical and academic experience in the hospitality industry and has major research interests in the interrelationships between cuisine, tourism and rural production.
Brock Cambourne is the owner/operator of multiple tourism award winning National Capital Wine Tours and principal of Benchmark Tourism Consulting. He has researched and published extensively on wine and culinary tourism and is a member of the Australian National Wine Tourism Working Party.
Niki Macionis is a lecturer at the University of Canberra's Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism. Her graduate studies focussed on the development of wine tourism and she has researched and published extensively on wine and culinary tourism.
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