Beschreibung Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation. Eventful Cities: cultural management and urban revitalisation aims to analyse the process of cultural event development, management and marketing, and link these processes to their wider cultural, social and economic context. The book provides a unique blend of practical and academic analysis, centred partly on the case study of the European Capitals of Culture (ECOC) over the past 20 years and also on a selection of major festivals and cities where the event has had an important element of development strategy. Cases will include: ECOC analysed - Glasgow, Brussels, Antwerp, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Lille, Cork, Bruges, Porto, Rotterdam, Santiago, Prague, Cracow, Bologna, Thessaloniki, Weimar, Lisbon, Dublin, Salamanca, Genoa and Graz. In addition, the development of the Cultural Capital concept worldwide will also be used to provide examples from Canada (Vancouver), Chile (Sanitago de Chile), and the USA (Austin).
Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban ~ Eventful Cities: cultural management and urban revitalisation aims to analyse the process of cultural event development, management and marketing, and link these processes to their wider cultural, social and economic context. The book provides a unique blend of practical and academic analysis, centred partly on the case study of the European Capitals of Culture (ECOC) over the past 20 years and also on a selection of major festivals and cities where the event has had an important element of .
Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban ~ Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation (English Edition) eBook: Richards, Greg, Palmer, Robert: : Kindle-Shop
Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation ~ This book is essential reading for any undergraduate or graduate student and all practitioners and policy-makers involved in event management, cultural management, arts administration, urban .
Eventful Cities: Cultural management and urban revitalisation ~ Eventful Cities: Cultural management and urban revitalisation / Greg Richards, Robert Palmer / download / B–OK. Download books for free. Find books
Eventful cities: cultural management and urban revitalisation ~ (2012). Eventful cities: cultural management and urban revitalisation. Cultural Trends: Vol. 21, CASE: THE CULTURE AND SPORT EVIDENCE PROGRAMME, pp. 342-343.
Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation ~ These 'eventful cities' (Palmer and Richards, 2010) increasingly seek to celebrate their cosmopolitanism whilst at the same time maintaining their heritage legacy and touristic image. A particular.
Eventful Cities / ScienceDirect ~ Eventful Cities: cultural management and urban revitalisation evaluates theoretical perspectives and links theory and practice through case studies of cities and events across the world. Critical success factors are identified which can help to guide cities and regions to develop event strategies. This book is essential reading for any undergraduate or graduate student and all practitioners and policy-makers involved in event management, cultural management, arts administration, urban .
Eventful Cities : Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation ~ Eventful Cities evaluates theoretical perspectives and links theory and practice through case studies of cities and events across the world. Critical success factors are identified which can help.
Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban ~ "Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation" aims to analyse the process of cultural event development, management and marketing, and link these processes to their wider cultural, social and economic context. The book provides a unique blend of practical and academic analysis, centred partly on the case study of the European Capitals of Culture (ECOC) over the past 20 years and also on a selection of major festivals and cities where the event has had an important element .
Eventful Cities: Cultural management and urban ~ Eventful Cities: cultural management and urban revitalisation evaluates theoretical perspectives and links theory and practice through case studies of cities and events across the world. Critical success factors are identified which can help to guide cities and regions to develop event strategies. This book is essential reading for any undergraduate or graduate student and all practitioners and policy-makers involved in event management, cultural management, arts administration .
10.1016/j.tourman.2011.07.003 / DeepDyve ~ This book focuses on how to develop and manage an eventful city (p4).</P>From this starting point, events are seen as offering the potential to make cities lively which, in turn, make them attractive places to live and to invest as well as to visit. To that extent, it encompasses issues that are of interest to tourism scholars but it is not about tourism.</P>An important aim of the book is to .
Eventful cities : cultural management and urban ~ Eventful cities : cultural management and urban revitalisation / Greg Richards, Robert Palmer Butterworth-Heinemann Oxford 2010. Australian/Harvard Citation. Richards, Greg. & Palmer, Robert. 2010, Eventful cities : cultural management and urban revitalisation / Greg Richards, Robert Palmer Butterworth-Heinemann Oxford. Wikipedia Citation
Eventful Cities - 1st Edition - Greg Richards - Robert ~ Eventful Cities evaluates theoretical perspectives and links theory and practice through case studies of cities and events across the world. Critical success factors are identified which can help to guide cities and regions to develop event strategies. This book is essential reading for any undergraduate or graduate student and all practitioners and policy-makers involved in event management, cultural management, arts administration, urban studies, cultural studies and tourism.
Google Sites: Sign-in ~ Access Google Sites with a free Google account (for personal use) or G Suite account (for business use).
CORE ~ (2007). Cultural Tourism: Global and local perspectives. Binghampton NY: (2007). Economic Impact and Social Performance of Cultural Macrofestivals. (2010). Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation. Butterworth-Heinneman: London • ROTARIU, I.
Tilburg University Creativity and tourism Richards, G.W. ~ Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation(Elsevier, 2010, with Robert Palmer). Annals of Tourism Research,Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 1225 1253, 2011 0160-7383/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Guest editorial / Emerald Insight ~ Business Improvement Districts are a strategic way to target revitalisation in urban areas, and while these are planning agendas that have wider policy and practical impacts, such redevelopment can give cities a strategic advantage as then bid to host events and seek ways to increase tourism and leisure opportunities. Introduced 15 years ago, Business Improvement Districts, this paper offers a .
Ten years of cultural development in Sibiu: The - CORE ~ Download PDF (2 MB) Abstract. This study presents the results of a ten year monitoring programme on cultural and tourism development in the city of Sibiu. Over the ten year research period the programme expanded to cover a wide range of data sources, including resident and visitor surveys, stakeholder interviews and secondary statistical data. The research started at a fairly low level with .
Festival- und Kulturevents (DLBEMLE02) / IUBH Duales Studium ~ • Yeoman, I. (2004): Festival and Events Management. An International Arts and Culture Perspective. Elsevier, Oxford. ISBN-13: 978-0750658720. Zeitschriften: • Event Partner • Horizonte • Filmecho/Filmwoche • KM – Kulturmanagement • K.West • Zeitschrift für Kulturwirtschaft. Prüfungszugangsvoraussetzung:
Electronic library. Download books free. Finding books ~ Electronic library. Download books free. Finding books / B–OK. Download books for free. Find books
Getz, D: Event Studies (Events Management, Band 13) - Getz ~ Getz, D: Event Studies (Events Management, Band 13) / Getz, Donald (University of Calgary, Canada), Page, Stephen J. (Bournemouth University, UK) / ISBN .
Wohnungen mieten in Franken / immo.inFranken ~ Alle freien Wohnungen zur Miete in Franken finden Sie im regionalen Immobilienanzeigenmarkt bei immo.inFranken.
Ten years of cultural development in Sibiu: The European ~ Download (2MB) / Preview. Abstract . (2010) Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation. Butterworth-Heinneman: London. Richards, G. and Rotariu, I. (2010) Tourism impacts of the European Cultural Capital Event – Sibiu 2007. Preliminary findings of a long-term monitoring programme. Analele Universităţii Ovidius, Economic Sciences Series, Volume XV, 2010. Richards, G .
Creativity and tourism: The State of the Art - ScienceDirect ~ Greg Richards is Professor of Leisure Studies at Tilburg University (PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands. Email < [email protected] >). His main research interests are cultural tourism, creative tourism and cultural events. He is joint author of Eventful Cities: Cultural Management and Urban Revitalisation (Elsevier, 2010, with Robert Palmer).
Studienreise - Internationale Kompetenz - Fachhochschule ~ Richards, Greg; Palmer, Robert (2010): Eventful cities: cultural management and urban revitalisation. Butterworth-Heinemann. Amsterdam. Thomas, Alexander (Hrsg .