Beschreibung Managing Visitor Attractions. Visitor attractions represent a complex sector of the tourism industry and are the catalytic focus for the development of tourism infrastructure and services. As this area grows, there are still many questions to be answered and issues to be understood such as what visitor attractions actually are, what forces drive their development, who visits them and why, how they are funded, and what the numerous day-to-day challenges are in respect of their management and
marketing. The second edition of this successful text investigates these issues further and provides more solutions and suggestions for the present and future.
Now in its 2nd edition, Managing Visitor Attractions: New Directions has been fully revised and updated to include new case studies on attractions in Singapore, seasonal variation,
religion-based attractions, HRM issues and heritage tourism. It also includes five new chapters
looking at attraction success and failure, interpretation, school excursions, managing gardens
and brand management.
Divided into five parts, the book tackles the following core topics:
the role and nature of visitor attractions
the development of visitor attraction provision
the management of visitor attractions
the marketing of visitor attractions
future issues and trends
With contributions from around the world, this is an essential text for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of visitor attraction management, written by subject specialists with a
wealth of experience in this field.
Managing Visitor Attractions: New Directions / Taylor ~ 'Managing Visitor Attractions' is a unique text that provides a cutting edge insight into the issues, principles and practices of visitor attractions today and into the future. Divided into five parts, the book tackles the following topics: · the role and nature of visitor attractions · the development of visitor attraction provision
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