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    VCR Troubleshooting & Repair

    Beschreibung VCR Troubleshooting & Repair. The labor costs of even a minor VCR repair are very high, and warranties typically only cover the first 90 days of ownership. The first four chapters of this practical guide allow do-it-yourselfers to take charge of maintaining and repairing their own VCRs for optimum performance. Basic VCR and recording principles are explained so you can gain a better understanding of how your machine operates. Advanced troubleshooting techniques covered in the later chapters allow technicians and advanced hobbyists to make more complex repairs and adjustments. Basic troubleshooting guidelines and flow charts aid in diagnosis, including chassis and mechanical failures. VCR Troubleshooting & Repair, focuses on preventative maintenance. Basic electronics principles are presented as they relate to VCR performance. THE AUTHORS Gregory R. Capelo is the owner of a VCR and VTR repair facility in El Cajon, California. He has serviced broadcast, consumer, and industrial video equipment for more than 14 years. He has taught numerous technical courses to private, government, and industrial technicians on the theory and maintenance of video and television equipment. Currently a trainer for Panasonic, he has been an expert witness in VCR patent infringement cases. Robert C. Brenner is an engineer and lecturer with extensive experience in microcomputers and system repair. He has written several successful books, including earlier editions of VCR Troubleshooting and Repair.

    Buch VCR Troubleshooting & Repair PDF ePub

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