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    The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance (Stanford Business Books)

    Beschreibung The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance (Stanford Business Books). Why do people buy health insurance? Conventional theory holds that people purchase insurance because they prefer the certainty of paying a small premium to the risk of getting sick and paying a large medical bill. Conventional theory also holds that any additional health care that consumers purchase because they have insurance is not worth the cost of producing it. Therefore, economists have promoted policies—copayments and managed care—to reduce consumption of this additional, seemingly low-value care.This book presents a new theory of consumer demand for health insurance. It holds that people purchase insurance to obtain additional income when they become ill. In effect, insurance companies act to transfer insurance premiums from those who remain healthy to those who become ill. This additional income generates purchases of additional high-value care, often allowing sick persons to obtain life-saving care that they could not otherwise afford. Regarding risk, the new theory relies on empirical studies showing that consumers actually prefer the risk of a large loss to incurring a smaller loss with certainty. Therefore, if consumers purchase insurance, it is not because they desire to avoid risk. Instead, the new theory suggests consumers simply pay a premium when healthy in exchange for a claim on additional income (effected when insurance pays for the medical care) if they become ill. Health insurance is substantially more valuable to the consumer under the new theory. The new theory moreover implies that copayments and managed care—central health policies of the last 30 years—were directed at solving problems that largely did not exist. Because these policies either reduced the amount of income transferred to ill persons or limited access to valuable health care, they may have done more harm than good. The new theory also provides a solid theoretical justification for insuring the uninsured and for implementing national health insurance.

    Buch The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance (Stanford Business Books) PDF ePub

    (PDF) The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance ~ The theory of the demand for health insurance presented here suggests that moral hazard is primarily an income transfer effect. In an estimation based on parameters from the literature, the value .

    The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance - Google Books ~ This book presents a new theory of consumer demand for health insurance. It holds that people purchase insurance to obtain additional income when they become ill. In effect, insurance companies act.

    The theory of demand for health insurance (Book, 2003 ~ The book is concise yet comprehensive, carefully researched, and clear. It is must Read more. User-contributed reviews. Tags. Add tags for "The theory of demand for health insurance". Be the first. Similar Items. Related Subjects: (10) Health insurance -- United States. Demand (Economic theory) Medical economics -- United States. Insurance, Health -- economics. Economics, Medical. Health .

    Cite The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance / John A. Nyman ~ stanford studies on central and eastern europe. stanford studies in comparative race and ethnicity. stanford studies in human rights. stanford studies in jewish history and culture. stanford studies in law and politics. stanford studies in middle eastern and islamic societies and cultures. stanford text technologies. studies in asian security

    The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance / John A. Nyman ~ This book presents a new theory of consumer demand for health insurance. It holds that people purchase insurance to obtain additional income when they become ill. In effect, insurance companies act to transfer insurance premiums from those who remain healthy to those who become ill. This additional income generates purchases of additional high-value care, often allowing sick persons to obtain life-saving care that they could not otherwise afford. Regarding risk, the new theory relies on .

    'The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance': A Review Essay ~ John A. Nyman's (2003) book, The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance , reconsiders moral hazard and offers a new perspective on the reason why consumers buy medical insurance in the first place. His explanation is a departure from conventional views, and Professor Nyman acknowledges at the outset that his position is controversial in several respects. Though "Joseph G. Eisenhauer (eisenhauer .

    The Theory of Insurance Demand - ResearchGate ~ The theory of insurance demand is often regarded as the purest example of economic behavior under uncertainty. Interestingly, whereas a decade ago most upper-level textbooks on microeconomics .

    Demand for Health Insurance - an overview / ScienceDirect ~ 5.2.2 Studies of the Elasticity of Demand for Health Insurance. There have been many studies of the elasticity of demand for health insurance. We do not attempt a complete review here. Our purpose is instead to report a few estimates as a means of providing insight into the potential for competition in the health insurance market. If the elasticity of demand facing a firm is low, then there is .

    Demand for Health Insurance - StFX ~ Demand for Health Insurance is principally derived from the uncertainty or randomness with which illnesses befall individuals. Consequently, the derived demand for health insurance is to protect the individual from the financial risk created due to the illness and the consequent cost of care needed to return to health if possible. With a health insurance market, individual’s best bet would .

    THE DEMAND FOR HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH INSURANCE ~ THE DEMAND FOR HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH INSURANCE TIMOTHY BESLEY All Souls College, Oxford} I. INTRODUCTION health (for example Culyer, 1969 has argued). None the less, there have been notable attempts at This paper reviews the economic theory of the examining the demand for health as a good among demand for health, health care and health insur- others, such as cheese and carrots, in an agent's .

    Book Review: The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance ~ Book Reviews The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance. By JohnA.Nyman.Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford Uni- versity Press. 2002. 214 pp. $40. After a three-year hiatus, the growth in health care spending has returned to the rapid increases experienced prior to 1999. The government’s contribution to medical care spending is the fast-est growing component; government expendi-tures currently .

    Demand for Health Insurance: A Theoretical and Empirical ~ Develops a theory of demand for reimbursement health insurance that incorporates the effects of the insurance on demand for medical care. This theory applies to insurance with a limited number of parameters available for consumer choice (a coinsurance rate and a maximum payment). Household interview data from a 1963 survey are used to study actual insurance parameters chosen by the sampled .

    The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance by John Nyman ~ This book presents a new theory of consumer demand for health insurance. It holds that people purchase insurance to obtain additional income when they become ill. In effect, insurance companies act to transfer insurance premiums from those who remain healthy to those who become ill.

    now publishers - The Theory of Social Health Insurance ~ Download extract Share. Journal details. Download article . In this article: 1 Introduction and Overview. 2 The Demand for Social Health Insurance. 3 The Supply of Health Insurance. 4 The Design of an Optimal Health Insurance Contract. 5 The Limits of Social Health Insurance. 6 Summary and Conclusions. A Formal Model of Health Insurer Behavior in Terms of Innovation and Risk Selection Effort .

    Demand for Health Insurance / SpringerLink ~ Abstract. Chapter 3 explores the scope of health insurance, and the amount of protection that individuals may seek to obtain for their health capital. This chapter describes the demand for, and consumption of, insurance by different groups in the health economy. This chapter starts with a description of the demand for health insurance that derives from the motivation for insurance described in .

    DEMAND AND SUPPLY IN HEALTH CARE - SGRRITS ~ demand for health is unlike most other goods because ,individuals allocate resources in order to consume and produce health. Micheal Grossman’s 1972 model of health production has been extremely influential in this field of study and has several unique elements that make it notable.Grossman’s model views each individual as both a producer and a consumer of heslth.Health is treated as as a .

    The Theory of Demand for Health Insurance: Nyman, John A ~ This book presents a new theory of consumer demand for health insurance. It holds that people purchase insurance to obtain additional income when they become ill. In effect, insurance companies act to transfer insurance premiums from those who remain healthy to those who become ill. This additional income generates purchases of additional high-value care, often allowing sick persons to obtain life-saving care that they could not otherwise afford. Regarding risk, the new theory relies on .

    The Demand for Health / Columbia University Press ~ The Demand for Health revolutionized economists’ theorizing about health. Arleen A. Leibowitz, University of California, Los Angeles The Demand for Health quickly had a major impact on health economics and has continued to inspire streams of research ever since. Victor Fuchs, Stanford University

    The Demand for Health Insurance and Health Care: A Review ~ Blue Cross/Blue Shield Fact Book, 1980 ed. Chicago, IL: Blue Cross . J.P. Newhouse , and C.E. Phelps. "Deductibles and the Demand for Medical Care Services: The Theory of a Consumer Facing a Variable Price Schedule under Uncertainty." Econometrica 45 (April 1977): 641-56. Google Scholar. Leibowitz, A. , et al. "Effect of Cost Sharing on the Use of Medical Services by Children: Interim .

    The theory of demand for health insurance - CiNii Books ~ This book presents a new theory of consumer demand for health insurance. It holds that people purchase insurance to obtain additional income when they become ill. In effect, insurance companies act to transfer insurance premiums from those who remain healthy to those who become ill. This additional income generates purchases of additional high-value care, often allowing sick persons to obtain .

    The Theory of Insurance Demand / SpringerLink ~ Abstract. This chapter presents the basic theoretical models of insurance demand in a one-period expected-utility setting. Models of coinsurance and of deductible insurance are examined along with their comparative statics with respect to changes in wealth, prices and attitudes towards risk.

    The demand for health: theory and applications ~ JournalofEpidemiologyand CommunityHealth, 1986, 40, 1-11 The demandfor health: theory andapplications ADAMWAGSTAFF Fromthe CentreforHealth Economics, University ofYork, Heslington, York YOISDD SUMMARY Theconcernofthispaperlies withtheeconomictheoryofthe"demandforhealth".It develops a conceptual apparatus for analysing the interaction ofsocioeconomicdeterminants of .

    The Demand for Health: A Theoretical and Empirical ~ The Demand for Health revolutionized economists’ theorizing about health. -- Arleen A. Leibowitz, University of California, Los Angeles The Demand for Health quickly had a major impact on health economics and has continued to inspire streams of research ever since. -- Victor Fuchs, Stanford University