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    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico

    Beschreibung Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico. In Unmanageable Care, anthropologist Jessica M. Mulligan goes to work at anHMO and records what it’s really like to manage care. Set at a health insurancecompany dubbed Acme, this book chronicles how the privatization of the healthcare system in Puerto Rico transformed the experience of accessing andproviding care on the island. Through interviews and participant observation,the book explores the everyday contexts in which market reforms were enacted.It follows privatization into the compliance department of a managed careorganization, through the visits of federal auditors to a health plan, and intothe homes of health plan members who recount their experiences navigating thenew managed care system.Inthe 1990s and early 2000s, policymakers in Puerto Rico sold off most of theisland’s public health facilities and enrolled the poor, elderly and disabledinto for-profit managed care plans. These reforms were supposed to promoteefficiency, cost-effectiveness, and high quality care. Despite the optimisticpromises of market-based reforms, the system became more expensive, not moreefficient; patients rarely behaved as the expected health-maximizing informationprocessing consumers; and care became more chaotic and difficult to access.Citizens continued to look to the state to provide health services for thepoor, disabled, and elderly. This book argues that pro-market reforms failed todeliver on many of their promises.Thehealth care system in Puerto Rico was dramatically transformed, just notaccording to plan.

    Buch Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico PDF ePub

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico / Jessica M. Mulligan / ISBN: 9780814770313 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico (English Edition) eBook: Jessica M. Mulligan: : Kindle-Shop

    Unmanageable care: An ethnography of health care ~ In Unmanageable Care, anthropologist Jessica M. Mulligan goes to work at an HMO and records what it’s really like to manage care. Set at a health insurance company dubbed Acme, this book chronicles.

    Download Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ May well copy this ebook, it allow downloads as a pdf, kindle, word, txt, ppt, rar and zip. There are many books in the world that can improve our knowledge. One of them is the book entitled Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico By author

    Free Download: Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health ~ Read or Download Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico Book by Jessica M. Mulligan. It is one of the best seller books in this month. Avaliable format in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK and AUDIOBOOK. Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico by Jessica M. Mulligan. Book Detail: Category: Book Binding: Paperback Author .

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico. Mulligan, Jessica M.. New York, NY, and London, UK: New York University Press, 2014. xii + 299 pp. (Cloth US$89.00; Paper $26.00)

    PDF] Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ Gratis eBooks: Jetzt kostenlos downloaden Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico.pdf 0814770312 by Damit du dich nicht lange durch das Internet quälen musst, haben wir die besten Quellen für gratis eBooks Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico.pdf 0814770312 by hier übersichtlich aufbereitet.

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ "A telling ethnography of the privatization of health care in Puerto Rico. Written from within the system of managed care, Mulligans impressive understanding of historical, cultural, economic, entrepreneurial, and moral aspects of reform paints a troubling picture of what is wrong with market approaches to care. Clear, timely, and insightful, Unmanageable Care contributes importantly to the medical anthropology of health care. It also goes beyond that to illustrate the limits and failures of .

    Unmanageable Care - NYU Press ~ In Unmanageable Care, anthropologist Jessica M. Mulligan goes to work at an HMO and records what it’s really like to manage care. Set at a health insurance company dubbed Acme, this book chronicles how the privatization of the health care system in Puerto Rico transformed the experience of accessing and providing care on the island. Through .

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ In Unmanageable Care, anthropologist Jessica M. Mulligan goes to work at an HMO and records what it’s really like to manage care. Set at a health insurance company dubbed Acme, this book chronicles how the privatization of the health care system in Puerto Rico transformed the experience of accessing and providing care on the island. Through interviews and participant observation,

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ In Unmanageable Care, anthropologist Jessica M. Mulligan goes to work at an HMO and records what it’s really like to manage care. Set at a health insurance company dubbed Acme, this book chronicles how the privatization of the health care system in Puerto Rico transformed the experience of accessing and providing care on the island. Through interviews and participant observation, the book explores the everyday contexts in which market reforms were enacted. It follows privatization into the .

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico by Jessica M. Mulligan (2014-08-08) / Jessica M. Mulligan / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico: Jessica M. Mulligan: 9780814770313: Books - .ca

    Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care ~ Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico by Mulligan, Jessica (2014) Paperback / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Jessica M. Mulligan: Unmanageable Care (eBook epub) - bei ~ Jessica M. Mulligan: Unmanageable Care - An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico. Sprache: Englisch. (eBook epub) - bei eBook