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    Artist Management for the Music Business

    Beschreibung Artist Management for the Music Business. Anyone managing an artist’s career needs to be well versed and have a savvy understanding of the moving parts of the music business. Learn how and why those moving parts "move," as well as how to manage and navigate a music-based career.Artist Management for the Music Business gives a comprehensive view of how to generate income through music and how to strategically plan for future growth. The book is full of valuable practical insights. It includes interviews and case studies with examples of real-world management issues and outcomes.Updates to this new edition include the importance of online streaming to music careers, how anyone can effectively network, tools for successful negotiation, ways to identify and manage income sources, and guidance on the ever-changing social media landscape of the music business.This book gives access to resources about artist management and the music business at its companion website, http://www.artistmanagementonline.com. There is no login, and the resources are updated regularly. 

    Buch Artist Management for the Music Business PDF ePub

    Artist Management for the Music Business: : Allen ~ This book gives access to resources about artist management and the music business at its companion website, http://www.artistmanagementonline. There is no login, and the resources are updated regularly.  

    Business - Musik: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher : ~ Artist Management for the Music Business 42. price 14 . Audible HörbĂŒcher herunterladen : Book Depository BĂŒcher mit kostenfreier Lieferung weltweit: IMDb Filme, TV & Stars: Kindle Direct Publishing Ihr E-Book veröffentlichen: Prime Now 1-Stunden-Lieferung Tausender Produkte Shopbop Designer Modemarken : Warehouse Reduzierte B-Ware: ZVAB Zentrales Verzeichnis Antiquarischer .

    This Business of Artist Management: The Standard Reference ~ This authoritative reference on artist management in the music industry is the standard for all phases of managing a musician's career from both the artist's and manager's point of view. This substantially updated edition covers the major changes that have transformed the business world and music industry over the past six years. Particular emphasis is given to the impact of the Internet, including the MP3 controversy and its lingering ramifications, copyright licensing on the Web .

    Artist Management for the Music Business, 3rd Edition [Book] ~ Get Artist Management for the Music Business, 3rd Edition now with O’Reilly online learning. O’Reilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from 200+ publishers. Start your free trial. Artist Management for the Music Business, 3rd Edition. by Paul Allen. Released July 2014. Publisher(s): Focal Press. ISBN: 9781134640669. Explore a preview version .

    Artist Management for the Music Business: Allen, Paul ~ Artist Management for the Music Business gives a comprehensive view of how to generate income through music and how to strategically plan for future growth. The book is full of valuable practical insights. It includes interviews and case studies with examples of real-world management issues and outcomes.

    Artist Management for the Music Business / Udemy ~ Artist Management for the Music Business The Roadmap to Managing Your Own Music Career or Becoming a Professional Manager Bestseller Rating: 4.5 out of 5 4.5 (265 ratings) 1,117 students Created by Christopher Palmer. Last updated 1/2016 English English [Auto] Current price $99.99. Add to cart. Buy now 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee What you'll learn. Negotiate all the key points in 360 .

    Managing Your Band: Ratgeber zum Artist Management ~ Ratgeber zum Artist Management Teile auf Facebook Teile auf Twitter Die Autoren Stephen Marcone und David Philip geben dir mit ihrem Buch »Managing Your Band - Artist Management: The Ultimate Responsibility« einen Ratgeber an die Hand, der dabei hilft, das MusikgeschÀft in all seinen Formen zu verstehen.

    Der SchlĂŒssel zum Erfolg im Musikbusiness ⋆ delamar ~ Musikbusiness: Der SchlĂŒssel zum Erfolg. Zu verstehen wie das GeschĂ€ft, das Musikbusiness, funktioniert ist der erste Schritt auf dem Weg zum Erfolg.Trotz der digitalen Revolution hat sich nie etwas am Grundprinzip des Musikbusiness geĂ€ndert. Gleich ob es um Selbstvermarktung der eigenen Musik, Gig-Promotion, Medienakzeptanz oder einfach nur den Verkauf eigener CDs on- oder offline geht .

    Artist Management 101: The Role of Music Talent Managers ~ The "Sunset" clause allows the music manager to get a share of the artist's revenue after the management contract expires (for 18 to 24 months on average). The “sunset” clause is instituted so that the manager can benefit from their initial investment of time and resources in an artist — before they fully peak. In a way, “sunset” clause is the management equivalent of the "duration .

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    Artist-Management in Medienunternehmen Buch ~ BĂŒcher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Artist-Management in Medienunternehmen von Susanne Knittel versandkostenfrei bestellen bei Weltbild, Ihrem BĂŒcher-Spezialisten!

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    Best Artist Management Companies / MusicPromotionCorp ~ Some artist management companies for music insist to work on retainers. This is usually an annual fee. New artists do not have to feel compelled to pledge a certain amount to such artist management companies in the U.K. or anywhere else in the world. There are many that work on commission. It should be noted that artist management companies are not booking agents. Booking or ticketing agents .

    Music Business studieren: Musikmarketing als Ausbildung ~ Ein Job im Music Business setzt fundiertes Wissen voraus – nicht nur zur Branche und zu aktuellen Trends, sondern auch in den Bereichen Projektmanagement, Recht und Musikmarketing. Hat man sich Projektmanagement vielleicht noch selbst durch die eigene Liebe zur Musik noch selbst angeeignet, so bedarf es bei Recht und Musikmarketing einer fundierten Ausbildung.

    Understanding the Music Industry: Artist Managers and ~ U nderstanding the Music Industry is a series that outlines the framework of the business, explaining the roles of the industry professionals, what their jobs entail, when it’s important to involve them and deal specifics that you want to be aware of. Artist managers, booking agents, music publishers, labels, A&Rs and others – we’ll treat them all.

    Artist Management for the Music Business / ScienceDirect ~ Download PDFs. Export citations. About the book. Publisher's Note: Transferred to Taylor & Francis as of 2012 . Description. Allen prepares you for the realities of successfully directing the careers of talented performers in the high-risk, high-reward music business. You will learn to prepare yourself for a career in artist management – and then learn the tools to coach, lead, organize time .

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    BA/BSc (Hons) Music Business / SAE Institute ~ Studium im Bereich Music Business. Am SAE Institute studierst du praktisch. Kernaspekte der Musikindustrie, KĂŒnstlermanagement, Event-Management.

    What does a music business manager do? ‐ CareerExplorer ~ A music business manager is someone who represents recording artists and musicians with the advertising, marketing, business and financial end of things. He or she will manage and handle contract negotiations, counsel the artist on how to invest their income wisely and also recover unpaid fees and royalties. Most music business managers have a degree in business administration and should have .

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    How to Be a Good Artist Manager (In The Music Business ~ HOW TO BE A GOOD ARTIST MANAGER / In this video you’re going to learn the top 8 skills and fundamental characteristics that all good managers carry – along w.

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