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    This Business of Artist Management: The Standard Reference to All Phases of Managing a Musician's Career from Both the Artist's and Manager's Point of View

    Beschreibung This Business of Artist Management: The Standard Reference to All Phases of Managing a Musician's Career from Both the Artist's and Manager's Point of View. This authoritative reference on artist management in the music industry is the standard for all phases of managing a musician's career from both the artist's and manager's point of view. This substantially updated edition covers the major changes that have transformed the business world and music industry over the past six years. Particular emphasis is given to the impact of the Internet, including the MP3 controversy and its lingering ramifications, copyright licensing on the Web, navigating trade identity issues on the Net, domain names, and the high-tech fight against cyberpiracy. Included are real-world examples-as well as new interviews with top booking agents, personal managers, concert promoters, record company executives, road managers, and artists.• For aspiring and professional managers in the music/entertainment field as well as musicians, music publishers, and record company personnel• Winner of the presigious ASCAP Deems Taylor Award for excellence in music publishing• This replaces 0-8230-7705-5, which sold more than 25,000 copies

    Buch This Business of Artist Management: The Standard Reference to All Phases of Managing a Musician's Career from Both the Artist's and Manager's Point of View PDF ePub

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    Artist Management for the Music Business: Allen, Paul ~ Artist Management for the Music Business 2 nd Edition provides key industry insight for both new and experienced artist managers, plus exclusive planning guidance, current management tools, and successful career strategies for managers and the artists they manage.. You will learn to prepare yourself for a career in artist management and become skilled with the tools to coach, lead, organize .

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