Beschreibung The Maintenance Scorecard. Performance measurement in maintenance is a key ingredient when an organization is seeking excellence in their maintenance practices. Unquestionably a maintenance scorecard (MSC) consistent with corporate goals will be invaluable. In this context I was pleased to see addresses in the very first Chapter not only comments on key ingredients of a MSC but also implementation issues associated with the use of a MSC. There is so little written on the balanced scorecard (BSC) concept being applied to the maintenance function, and as the first book focusing on the BSC in the context of maintenance , termed by Mather the MSC, it will be a welcome addition to the arsenal of literature available to ensure superior maintenance performance in an organizations.Andrew K S Jardine, PhD, C.Eng., P.Eng, Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto"The Maintenance Scorecard is an important work in the field of maintenance management. It is important because it weaves together several disparate threads into an insightful and useful whole. Implementation of the ideas presented in The Maintenance Scorecard could focus attention of both top management and maintenance leadership to meaningful improvements." Joel Levitt, President Springfield Resources"It is so refreshing to hear someone whom truly knows what he is talking about rather than the theory merchants that tend to saturate our discipline."Greg Pantaleoni, Director, Effective Systems Solutions Pty. Ltd. This is the first book to seriously tackle the subject of bringing Asset Management into line with other areas of corporate activity. Through a unique adaptation of the balanced scorecard approach to asset management, it provides a structured approach for both the development of strategy and its implementation. Additionally, readers will find a catalogue of indicators along with their uses and weaknesses, a definitive guide to measuring the success of RCM programs, and a logical format that leads them from start to finish with information and hints on each phase of the maintenance scorecard approach. If you or your company need to manage physical assets, you need this book! Provides the RCM Scorecard, which is unique to this book and has not been done previously to this level of detail.Includes information and hints on each phase of the maintenance scorecard approach.Focuses at length on the creation of strategy for asset management and details the differences between various industry types, sectors and markets.Offers an introduction to the methodology of Problem Elimination Logic, and its application and use in the industry.Contains a brief overview of the Technical Change Management System a method for increasing the effectiveness of capital spending in maintenance.Provides a guide to some of the true uses and limitations of benchmarking as a strategic tool for improvement.Uses many illustrations throughout to explain and underline the concepts being presented.
Download Bücher - Forum Balanced Scorecard ~ Download Bücher . In so manches Buch möchte man erst einmal hineinschmökern, bevor man es kauft – und nicht jede Zeitschrift will gekauft sein, kann noch gekauft werden; Daher hier viele Downloads als pdf: 1. Balanced Scorecard – Mehr als ein Kennzahlensystem. Abbildung: Balanced Scorecard – Mehr als ein Kennzahlensystem. Herwig R. Friedag, Dr. Walter Schmidt Balanced Scorecard .
Developing Performance Indicators for Managing Maintenance ~ As one of only a handful of comprehensive collections of performance indicators for managing maintenance in print today, this book is distinguished by its use of techniques based on a variety of management measurement systems, such as the Balanced Scorecard approach. While the previous edition primarily concentrated on the basic indicators for managing maintenance and how to link them to a .
The Maintenance Scorecard by Daryl Mather - Industrial ~ Phrase Match Search In eBook Catalog Content Title Author eISBN . Category . Year. Price Range To (e.g 330.12 to 500.45) . RCM programs, and a logical format that leads them from start to finish with information and hints on each phase of the maintenance scorecard approach. If you or your company need to manage physical assets, you need this book! Features. Provides the RCM Scorecard, which .
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Die Balanced Scorecard: Mehr als Kennzahlen ~ Die Entwicklung einer Balanced Scorecard kann nach folgendem Schema ablaufen: 1. Formulierung eines strategischen Ziels (Vision). 2. Aus dem strategischen Ziel werden weitere Ziele (Subziele) abgeleitet 3. Die Ziele für die einzelnen Perspektiven aus der Unternehmensstrategie werden abgleitet und Messgrößen entwickelt. Das bedeutetet es werden Kennzahlen für das . Leitziel und die Subziele .
Kennzahlen und Controlling in der - Ingenieur-Buch ~ Die Balanced Scorecard bildet die Grundlage für ein Managementsystem das die Mängel herkömmlicher Kennzahlensysteme beseitigen und eine umfassende, an der Unternehmensstrategie orientierte Steuerung ermöglicht. Wörtlich übersetzt heißt Balanced Scorecard „ausgewogener Berichtsbogen“. Dieser Name verleitet zu der Annahme, es handle sich nur um eine weitere hereinbrechende Kennzahlen .
Balanced Business Scorecard - Free Management Books ~ Download it now for your PC, Mac, laptop, tablet, Kindle, eBook reader or Smartphone. Key Points The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a semi-standard structured report that can be used by managers to keep track of the execution of activities by the staff within their control and to monitor the consequences arising from these actions.
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