Beschreibung World of Resorts: From Development to Management.
World of Resorts: From Development to Management by Chuck ~ World of Resorts: From Development to Management by Chuck Yim Gee (2010-01-01) / Chuck Yim Gee;PhD / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
World of Resorts: From Development to Management: Chuck ~ This is an exceptional book on the subject of resort development, operations and management. The book is logically structured and the concepts are explained in an easily-understood manner for those with only a basic knowledge of business concepts. In addition to resorts, those who own and/or manage a bed and breakfast or small boutique hotel will likewise find this book indispensable. And, for .
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Resorts: Management and Operation, 3rd Edition / Wiley ~ The 3rd Edition of Resorts: Management and Operation is a summary of almost 30 years of thought, analysis, and research into the field of resort management written from a business viewpoint yet takes into account the unique structure of resorts. The text is divided into three sections. Each section has a philosophical basis for the inclusion of the subsequent principles and practices.
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