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    Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City (Library of New England)

    Beschreibung Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City (Library of New England). First published in 1978, this classic book, through vivid oral histories and historic photographs, documents the social and cultural impact of the industry during America’s rise as a manufacturing power. For nearly a century, the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company was chief architect of the social, ethnic, and economic existence of Manchester, New Hampshire. In the early 1900s, it was the largest textile mill in the world, employing 17,000; its red brick facade stretched for nearly a mile along the Merrimack River and its payroll drew immigrants by the thousands. In their own words, laborers, foremen, managers, and town residents paint a detailed portrait of the mill’s nearly feudal dominance of every aspect of their lives and offer their response to this existence, with fierce pride and an unshakable sense of community. When competition, labor unrest, and obsolescence caught up with the mill in 1936, a weaver recalls, “the mills went out and the world stopped for everybody.”

    Buch Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City (Library of New England) PDF ePub

    Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City ~ Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City (Library of New England) [Hareven, Tamara K., Langenbach, Randolph] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City (Library of New England)

    Amoskeag Manufacturing Company - Wikipedia ~ The Amoskeag Manufacturing Company was a textile manufacturer which founded Manchester, New Hampshire, United States.From modest beginnings in near wilderness, it grew throughout the 19th century into the largest cotton textile plant in the world.. At its peak, Amoskeag had 17,000 employees and around 30 buildings. Nevertheless, in the early 20th century, the business failed to adapt to .

    Our New Hampshire - Manchester and the Amoskeag ~ The most dramatic example of the Industrial Revolution in New Hampshire occurred in Manchester, with the development of Amoskeag Mills. In 1809, the Amoskeag Cotton & Wool Manufacturing Company was formed. At first, there were no looms and cotton and wool were woven in local homes. Weavers earned 30¢ per day. In 1839, the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company was formed by six men. The New Hampshire .

    How Was Factory Life During the Industrial Revolution? ~ Since work in factories required dexterity rather than brute strength, factory owners hired women as well as men and also children as young as 6 years old. Owners often sent children between and below pieces of heavy machinery, and many children were mangled and killed. Children were paid only a tiny percentage of an adult salary, and some children, such as orphans, received no pay. Children .

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    Tamara Hareven - Wikipedia ~ Tamara Kern Hareven (May 10, 1937 – October 18, 2002) was a social historian who wrote extensively on the history the family and the effects of social changes on family lives. Her books include Families, History and Social Change and Aging and Generational Relations. Born in Chernivtsi, Romania (now Ukraine), and of Jewish origin, she died of kidney failure at the age of 65.

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