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    The Food Service Manager's Guide to Creative Cost Cutting: Over 2001 Innovative and Simple Ways to Save Your Food Service Operation Thousands by Reducing Expenses

    Beschreibung The Food Service Manager's Guide to Creative Cost Cutting: Over 2001 Innovative and Simple Ways to Save Your Food Service Operation Thousands by Reducing Expenses. Operating expenses are up and income is down throughout the entire food service industry. After taxes and expenses, restaurants that make money, according to the National Restaurant Association, have bottom lines at 0.5–3.0 percent of sales. This tiny percentage is the difference between being profitable and going under, and it drives home the importance of controlling costs. This book will show you how.Many books on food service management are written for new managers or owners. This is one of the very few books written for existing operators in both the commercial and non-commercial sectors. This book has one purpose: to demonstrate thousands of often-overlooked ways to reduce your business costs, and increase profits.You will find over 2,001 practical insider techniques and tips that have been gleaned from successful operators from around the world and test in real-life food service businesses. You can put this information in place today to reduce expenses and expand profits. Easy to read and understand, this step-by-step guide and will take the mystery out of how to reduce costs in four critical areas: food, beverage, operations and labor.  Food service cost-reduction experts have identified thousands of ways to reduce operating costs. This book offers their experience and expertise. The information is boiled down to the essence, filled to the brim with up-to-date and pertinent information. It covers all the bases, providing clear explanations and helpful, specific information, including how to uncover hidden costs and then reduce or eliminate them. Contact information, including Web sites is provided for all companies discussed.

    Buch The Food Service Manager's Guide to Creative Cost Cutting: Over 2001 Innovative and Simple Ways to Save Your Food Service Operation Thousands by Reducing Expenses PDF ePub

    The Food Service Managers Guide To Creative Cost Cutting ~ Title: The Food Service Managers Guide To Creative Cost Cutting Over 2001 Innovative And Simple Ways To Save Your Food Service Operation Thousands By Reducing Expenses

    The Food Service Manager's Guide to Creative Cost Cutting ~ You will find over 2,001 practical, insider techniques and tips that have been gleaned from successful operators from around the world and tested in real-life food service businesses. You can put this information in place today to reduce expenses and expand profits. Easy to read and understand, this step-by-step guide and will take the mystery out of how to reduce costs in four critical areas .

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