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    Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story

    Beschreibung Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story. Dave Robinson was once a roadie to Jimi Hendrix. He also managed Brinsley Schwarz and was behind their ill-fated publicity stunt when he flew journalists to New York to see their gig at the Fillmore East. By 1974, he was managing the Hope & Anchor pub in Islington. Jake Riviera had been road manager for Chilli Willi And The Red Hot Peppers and later Dr Feelgood. In1976, this maverick pair were to launch Stiff Records, supposedly on the back of a 400 loan from Lee Brilleaux of the Feelgoods. In fact, they never cashed the check. The genius of Stiff was to take old pub rockers that they knew and turn them into new wave stars. Ian Dury, Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe were all going nowhere until they were signed the label and reinvented. For a while, the major labels didn't know how to respond to Stiff, particularly their brilliant marketing - coloured vinyl, different coloured sleeves for the completest market and their slogans, such as "If It Ain't Stiff, It Ain't Worth a fuck." Riviera left the label in 1977 to form Radar Records and took Costello and Lowe with him The label signed quirky acts such as Wreckless Eric, Devo, Rachel Sweet, Lene Lovich and more. Many of them were sent on package tours reminiscent of the Larry Parnes' tours in the 1960s. They also launched Stiff America to no little success. Robinson signed Madness and The Pogues to the label before it went bankrupt in 1986. However, it re-launched in 2006 under new management and is still going strong. Richard Balls has interviewed over 50 artists and Stiff staff to tell a story that is long overdue. Shane MacGowan, Lene Lovich, Chas Smash, Wreckless Eric and more tell what it was like to work for the world's most outrageous record label. Tony Judge, who runs the Be Stiff website has provided lots of rare photos along with badges and memorabilia to make this a celebration of a great record label. Balls' other book on the life of Ian Dury sold a hefty 30,000 copies, so he has a following.

    Buch Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story PDF ePub

    Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story: : Balls ~ Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story / Balls, Richard / ISBN: 9780957570061 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story by Balls, Richard 2015 ~ Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story by Balls, Richard (2015) Paperback / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story by Richard Balls 2015-01 ~ Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story by Richard Balls (2015-01-05) / Richard Balls / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story: Balls, Richard ~ In1976, this maverick pair were to launch Stiff Records, supposedly on the back of a ÂŁ400 loan from Lee Brilleaux of the Feelgoods. In fact, they never cashed the check. The genius of Stiff was to take old pub rockers that they knew and turn them into new wave stars. Ian Dury, Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe were all going nowhere until they were .

    Be Stiff The Stiff Records Story [PDF, EPUB EBOOK] ~ be stiff the stiff records story Sep 06, 2020 Posted By Irving Wallace Public Library TEXT ID c3225217 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library Be Stiff The Stiff Records Story INTRODUCTION : #1 Be Stiff The ^ Free Reading Be Stiff The Stiff Records Story ^ Uploaded By Irving Wallace, in1976 this maverick pair were to launch stiff records supposedly on the back of a 400 loan

    Stiff Records – Wikipedia ~ Stiff (engl. steif, starr, unbeweglich, Leichnam, prĂŒder Mensch) war eins der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten britischen Independent Labels der Punk-Wave-Ska-Ära. „If it ain’t stiff it ain’t worth a f**k“ war einer der WerbesprĂŒche der Plattenfirma fĂŒr ihre Produkte – auf deutsch etwa „Wenn es kein Stiff ist, ist es fĂŒr’n A*sch.“

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    Stiff – Wikipedia ~ Stiff bezeichnet: . Stiff Records, ein britisches Independent-Label; Stiff Little Fingers, eine Punkband aus Belfast; Stiff-man-Syndrom, eine neurologische Krankheit; Stiff Upper Lip, einen Albumtitel von AC/DC; Stiff ist der Familienname folgender Personen: . Alfons Stiff (1843–1917), deutscher katholischer Theologe und Architekt; GĂŒnter Stiff (1916–2002), deutscher Verleger und .

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