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    The Ehr Guru: A Parable That Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records Without the Techno-Babble

    Beschreibung The Ehr Guru: A Parable That Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records Without the Techno-Babble. The EHR Guru is a quick read in the spirit of The One Minute Manager. It appeals to all kinds of people in the medical profession seeking to understand what is required to most effectively implement an electronic health record (EHR) system including the necessary technology, integrations with multiple vendors, project management and workflow adaptation requirements, and training and technical support issues. Told through the fictitious story of a young medical office practice manager named Sam, authors Stemp and Russell communicate how he helps his doctors focus on the key issues involved in a flawless EHR implementation so it increases their profits, lowers costs, improves staff productivity, and enables them to provide superior patient care. The information contained in this gem is based on Stemp's twenty-five years of professional experience advising clients on technology and ten years advising medical practices on the evaluation, selection, and implementation of EHR systems and related technologies.

    Buch The Ehr Guru: A Parable That Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records Without the Techno-Babble PDF ePub

    The EHR Guru: A Parable that Explains How to Implement ~ The EHR Guru: A Parable that Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records Without the Techno-Babble by Morris Stemp, CPA, MBA, CPHIMS (with David Russell), is an easy-to-read quick book. It's like a how-to book with a storyline. From the beginning, the reader is absorbed into the work life of Sam Bushman, an administrator in an orthopedic .

    : Customer reviews: The EHR Guru: A Parable that ~ The EHR Guru: A Parable that Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records Without the Techno-Babble by Morris Stemp, CPA, MBA, CPHIMS (with David Russell), is an easy-to-read quick book. It's like a how-to book with a storyline.

    Buy EHR Guru: A Parable That Explains How to Implement ~ .in - Buy EHR Guru: A Parable That Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records without the Techno-Babble book online at best prices in India on .in. Read EHR Guru: A Parable That Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records without the Techno-Babble book reviews & author details and more at .in. Free delivery on qualified orders.

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    Download Guide to Clinical Documentation, Christine ~ The Ehr Guru A Parable That Explains How to Implement Electronic Health Records Without the Techno-babble, Morris W. Stemp, David Russell, Morris W. Stemp Cpa Mba Cphims, 2011, Business & Economics, 132 pages. The EHR Guru is a quick read in the spirit of The One Minute Manager. It appeals to all kinds of people in the medical profession seeking to understand what is required to most .

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