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    So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent Third Edition

    Beschreibung So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent Third Edition. There is more to selling insurance than writing policies. When done right, you can build a successful business that affords you a lifestyle most people only dream about. Why try to figure it out on your own when you can learn from someone who has already been there and done that? Jeff Hastings knows insurance, and he knows how to build a profitable business. Since starting as a file clerk with Farmers Insurance Group in 1985, Jeff has built an extraordinary business, consistently receiving top awards, including District Manager of the Year in 2005. He and the agents in his district have achieved phenomenal success, and now he shares the keys to their success with you. Many of the business tools you will need are included such as licensing guidelines, a business plan, employment contracts, an employee handbook, business forms and more. If you are serious about building your own insurance agency, So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent gives you a complete system to develop, manage and grow your business.

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    So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent Third Edition ~ Many of the business tools you will need are included such as licensing guidelines, a business plan, employment contracts, an employee handbook, business forms and more. If you are serious about building your own insurance agency, So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent gives you a complete system to develop, manage and grow your business.

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    So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent: Hastings, Jeffrey L ~ So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent is an essential guide for anyone who is considering opening an insurance agency or wants to grow an existing agency. Highly recommended by Dr. Robert Hartwig, President of the Insurance Information Institute, and Michael Gerber, author of the E-Myth books, this book provides a complete system to develop, manage and grow a successful insurance business. It .

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