Beschreibung Exit Strategy: A Robert Fairchild Novel. When ESG concerns cause Reeperbahn Landesbank to sell his $750 million credit facility to "Loan-Own-Capital," a New York distressed fund, Norwegian shipping magnate Coco Jacobsen is forced to make a tough decision: put in another $100 million to defend his fossil fuel dependent company -- or toss the keys to the hedge fund and disappear on his yacht. But when Coco learns that one of his lenders is a Sopranos-style money laundering operation that doesn't take kindly to losing money, he enlists his estranged CFO, Robert Fairchild, to get creative about saving his fleet -- and maybe even the entire shipping industry. Exit Strategy is the third book in The Shipping Man series.For readers new to the shipping industry, Matt McCleery's novels are a unique blend of fact and fiction that provide an entertaining and educational glimpse into the world of international ocean shipping and global capital markets. For shipowners, financiers and other industry insiders, the books are an affectionate celebration of the unique characters and timeless traditions that make the maritime industry so special. Featuring fictional characters, transactions and plots, the books offer fun, fast-paced and easily accessible insight into the complex topics including commodity trading and transportation, ship owning, asset finance, hedge funds, public equity, project financing, transactional law, asset valuation, private equity, high yield bonds, mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcy and reorganization.Since the publication of the first book in 2011, The Shipping Man trilogy has sold tens of thousands of copies and have been actively used by universities, business schools and maritime colleges and in the training programs of shipping companies, ship finance banks and multi-sector value investment funds around the world.
: Exit Strategy: A Robert Fairchild Novel ~ Part fast-paced thriller, part ship finance text book, Exit Strategy carries on with the successful formula that has seen earlier tomes, The Shipping Man and Viking Raid, sell tens of thousand copies with Fairchild urgently enlisted to help out Norwegian shipping tycoon Coco Jacobsen again as a Sopranos-style money laundering operation threatens the shipping magnate's business. Funny and tongue in cheek, and yet a brilliant insight into how shipping transactions actually happen, Exit .
Exit Strategy: A Robert Fairchild Novel: McCleery, Matthew ~ Exit Strategy: A Robert Fairchild Novel Paperback â Illustrated, 30 August 2020. by Matthew McCleery (Author) 4.5 out of 5 stars 2 ratings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Paperback, Illustrated, 30 August 2020 "" S$28.09 . S$28.12 â Paperback S$28.09 1 New from S$28.12 Arrives: 25 Nov. - 1 Dec. Details. Fastest delivery: 20 .
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âExit Strategyâ: Clock is ticking for swashbuckling shipowners ~ Matt McCleeryâs new novel highlights a pivotal turning point for shipping. Greg Miller, Senior Editor Follow on Twitter Friday, October 16, 2020. 0 2,003 6 minutes read "Exit Strategy" cover. Painting by Suzy Barnard. Nine years ago, Marine Money President Matt McCleery wrote âThe Shipping Man,â a novel championing the old-school, risk-taking bravado of the ship-owning business. It .
Shipping man Robert Fairchild heads for the exit / TradeWinds ~ Exit Strategy again features Robert Fairchild, the New York financier who tries to navigate the contemporary shipping business and its at times troubled relationship with finance.
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: The Shipping Man (9780983716303): Matthew ~ "The fictional Robert Fairchild is one of the hottest names on Wall Street. He's the hero of the 2011 novel The Shipping Man, a New York hedge fund manager who becomes so captivated by wild swings in freight rates that he buys a dry-cargo carrier and sets off on an adventure leading to run-ins with Somali pirates and Greek tycoons."- Bloomberg "The Shipping Man is a novel by Matthew McCleery .
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