Beschreibung Chaos to Clarity: The Tao of Risk Management. Tired of complex, convoluted books on risk management? Chaos to Clarity is a practical guide that distills risk management down to the essential few elements needed to achieve risk management success. This book is not an academic discussion of risk theory. This book is a practical guide that presents fundamental risk management concepts, tools, and techniques that, if practiced, lead to effective risk management. Chaos to Clarity is designed to appeal to people of all skill levels from novice risk practitioner to risk management experts
RIMS - RIMS-CRMP Stories ~ RIMS sat down with Joe Mayo, the principal of J.W. Mayo Consulting and author of Chaos to Clarity: The Tao of Risk Management, to discuss how the process of earning the RIMS-CRMP has enhanced his view of the profession and how it has benefitted his already prestigious career. Read more.
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