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    APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur: How to Publish a Book

    Beschreibung APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur: How to Publish a Book. "Essential reading (and reference) for modern authors, regardless of experience." - Kirkus Book Reviews "Nuts, bolts, and inspiration too. Once again, Guy delivers, kicking the shiitake out of anyone who would tell you that you shouldn't, wouldn't or couldn't write a book." -Seth Godin Author and founder of The Icarus Project. This version of APE was updated with the most recent content, facts, figures, tools, and resources on Jan 25th, 2013. To see what content has been added since the last update of APE please visit apethebook.com/updates. This is version 1.1 (Austen). In 2011 the publisher of one of my books, Enchantment, could not fill an order for 500 ebook copies of the book. Because of this experience, I self-published my next book, What the Plus!, and learned first-hand that self-publishing is a complex, confusing, and idiosyncratic process. As Steve Jobs said, "There must be a better way." With Shawn Welch, a tech wizard, I wrote APE to help people take control of their writing careers. APE's thesis is powerful yet simple: filling the roles of Author, Publisher and Entrepreneur yields results that rival traditional publishing. We call this "artisanal publishing"--that is, when writers who love their craft control the publishing process and produce high-quality books. APE is 300 pages of step-by-step, tactical advice and practical inspiration. If you want a hype-filled, get-rich-quick book, you should look elsewhere. On the other hand, if you want a comprehensive and realistic guide to self-publishing, APE is the answer.

    Buch APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur: How to Publish a Book PDF ePub

    APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book ~ APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book - Kindle edition by Kawasaki, Guy, Welch, Shawn. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book.

    APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur - Guy Kawasaki ~ APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur–How to Publish a Book. In 2011 the publisher of Guy Kawasaki’s New York Times bestseller, Enchantment, could not fill an order for 500 ebook copies of the book. Because of this experience, Guy self-published his next book, What the Plus! and learned first-hand that self-publishing is a complex, confusing, and idiosyncratic process. As Steve Jobs said .

    APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book ~ Guy Kawasaki und Shawn Welchs Buch "APE - How to Publish a Book" will ein praktischer Leitfaden für Autoren sein, die ein Buch im Selbstverlag (Self-Publishing) veröffentlichen möchten. Das Buch zeigt Schritt für Schritt, was man als Autor beachten muss, bis ein Buch bei einem Online Buchhandel oder in einem Buchladen zu kaufen ist. Die beiden Autoren finden aus meiner Sicht hierfür eine .

    APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur - How to Publish a Book ~ I'm in the process of writing my first book so I was really excited when Guy Kawasaki send me a copy of his 12th book APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur-How to Publish a Book earlier this week. The book is released on Monday (Dec 10th) and was co-authored by iOS developer Shawn Welch.. Over the last few months I've read a few books and countless articles on how to self-publish your first book.

    APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur: How to Publish a ~ Buy APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur: How to Publish a Book 1 by Kawasaki, Guy, Welch, Shawn (ISBN: 9780988523104) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    APE How to Publish a Book by Guy Kawasaki ~ APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur [ Publisher ] 76 Chapter 8 How to Edit Your Book 78 Chapter 9 How to Avoid the Self-Published Look 93 Chapter 10 How to Get an Effective Book Cover 110 Chapter 11 Understanding Book Distribution 117 Chapter 12 How to Sell Your Ebook Through , Apple, Barnes Noble, Google, and Kobo 130 Chapter 13 How to Convert Your File 146 Chapter 14 How to Sell .

    ape author publisher entrepreneur how to publish a book ~ guy kawasaki und shawn welchs buch ape how to publish a book will ein praktischer leitfaden fur autoren sein die ein buch im selbstverlag self publishing veroffentlichen mochten das buch zeigt schritt fur schritt was man als autor beachten muss bis ein buch bei einem online buchhandel oder in einem buchladen zu kaufen ist Ape Author Publisher Entrepreneur How To Publish A ape author publisher .

    How to Self-Publish a Book - Learn ~ I learned a lot about self-publishing in this journey—so much so that I co-authored a book called APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book. I’d like to help writers everywhere break the shackles of traditional publishing. As a start, here are my top-ten recommendations for self-publishing a book.

    Die 7 Todsünden beim Self-Publishing! / Leselupe ~ Es ist heute einfach, ein eBook oder ein Print-Buch im Self-Publishing zu veröffentlichen. Zahlreiche Anbieter wie und Book on Demand ermöglichen eine Veröffentlichung von Literatur ohne große Qualitätskontrolle. Die Honorare beim Selfpublishing sind im Vergleich zum klassischen Verlag oft so hoch, dass sich viele Autoren am liebsten nur um das Verkaufen der eigenen Literatur .

    Books - Guy Kawasaki ~ Guy Kawasaki has written 13 books beginning in 1987 with The Macintosh Way. His two latest books are The Art of the Start 2.0 and The Art of Social Media.

    How to Publish a Book on : 12 Steps (with Pictures) ~ To publish a book on , start by creating a Kindle Direct Publishing account and formatting your book according to 's standards. Then, decide whether you want to publish a digital book or a paperback book, or both. Next, log into your Kindle Direct Publishing account, and upload your book and some cover art. Finally, set a price your .

    Free Entrepreneurship Books Download / Ebooks Online Textbooks ~ This book covers the following topics: Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship, Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship Growth : Economic, Social, Psychological and Political Factors, Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Method and Procedures to start and expand one’s own Business, Environmental Factors affecting success of a new business; reasons for the failure and visible .

    Happy Holidays! Guy Kawasaki Is Giving Away His Latest ~ Marketing guru Guy Kawasaki is going APE -- as in APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur -- How to Publish a Book, the most recent book in the ever-expanding list of Kawasaki book titles. APE has been out for a year now, and to celebrate its anniversary, Kawasaki is giving it away free. Such a deal! All you have to do is go to this page and follow the instructions.

    Entrepreneurship / books in PDF - Bookboon ~ Entrepreneurship Books On the search for entrepreneurship books in PDF? We got you covered with our range of eBooks to help you design, launch and run your new business. As entrepreneur, you need to know about the theory and practice that you’ll find in our books.

    How to Become an Author: The Ultimate Guide from a Bestseller ~ And self-published books look nicer these days too, because writers have demanded it. How to Set Your Self-Published Book Apart. If you resort to this route, realize that you are the publisher now. You have to advertise, promote, and market your own book. But because you’re earning the profits after expenses, not just a royalty, a successful book will net you more money per copy than a .

    7 Common Questions About Self-Publishing on ~ Ebooks can be great tools -- they’re cheap to make and according to the website, you can publish your book digitally on its Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform in just five minutes.

    Was ich als Autor & Publisher von Guy Kawasaki gelernt habe ~ Als Guy Kawasaki-Fan musste ich sein Buch APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur - How To Publish a Book lesen.Ich wusste nicht, was mich erwarten würde, aber ich war hinterher schwer beeindruckt. Das Buch befasst sich mit Self-Publishing und den drei Rollen die ein Self-Publisher erfüllen muss (Autor, Publisher, Entrepreneur). Die Autoren Guy Kawasaki und Shawn Welch bündeln ihre .

    How To Get a Book Published: Traditional, Self-Publishing ~ My Books for Authors, including Successful Self-Publishing: How to self-publish in ebook and print; My Courses for Authors, including How to Write a Novel and How to Write Non-Fiction; The Creative Penn Podcast, interviews, inspiration and information on writing, publishing, book marketing and creative entrepreneurship every Monday

    Self publishing: Erfahrungen und Tipps - FOCUS Online ~ Schon lange hatte ich den Traum, ein Buch zu schreiben. Doch keiner der Verlage wollte meinen Roman veröffentlichen. Die Lösung: Self publisihing. Ich nahm es also selbst in die Hand.

    Self-publishing a book: 25 things you need to know - CNET ~ Note to readers: I originally published the article back in 2008 and have updated it a few times, most recently on June 13, 2012. This article primarily addresses self-publishing a print book .

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    Business For Authors. How To Be An Author Entrepreneur ~ Everything you need to run a business as an author. I'm excited to share Business for Authors: How to be an Author Entrepreneur with you, as it contains everything I have learned from 13 years of being a business consultant, and 6 years of being an author. This is not a book on creativity or the craft of writing. My aim is to take the result of your creativity into the realm of actually paying .

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    Small Business Economics / Home ~ Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (SBEJ) publishes original, rigorous theoretical and empirical research addressing all aspects of entrepreneurship and small business economics, with a special emphasis on the economic and societal relevance of research findings for scholars, practitioners and policy makers.. SBEJ covers a broad scope of topics, ranging from the core themes .