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    Cybersecurity Is Everybody's Business: Solve the Security Puzzle for Your Small Business and Home

    Beschreibung Cybersecurity Is Everybody's Business: Solve the Security Puzzle for Your Small Business and Home. Since publication of his first book, Hacked Again, Scott Schober has dedicated himself to educating anyone who would listen by telling his own story of being hacked in the hope that others can learn from his own mistakes. Now joined by his brother Craig, the two have set their sights on the biggest target of all, small businesses.There are 30 million small businesses currently operating in the United States. Some of them are single owner/operated while others collectively employ hundreds of millions. This book is for all of them and anyone who makes it their business to stay safe from phishing attacks, malware spying, ransomware, identity theft, major breaches and hackers who would compromise their security. We are all in this together which is why cybersecurity is everybody's business.Scott and Craig Schober examine a multitude of cybersecurity issues affecting all of us including: Cyber Insurance Internet of Things State Sponsored Hacking and Spying Card Skimmers & Identity Theft Social Engineering Ransomware Phishing Attacks Vital Password Creation Robocalls Cryptocurrency Virtual Private Networks Scott and Craig Schober delve into the details of the latest cyber breaches that made headlines and continue to affect your small business and all consumers such as: Ashley Madison Hack Yahoo Hack Marriott Hotel Hack Anthem Hack Equifax Hack Uber Hack Throughout Cybersecurity Is Everybody's Business, Scott and Craig not only contextualize the impact of these cyberattacks on your small business and daily lives, but also provide expert insight and a plan of attack for fending off future security breaches. Through tips and advice gained since his last book, Scott offers hope in the ever-changing world of cybersecurity.

    Buch Cybersecurity Is Everybody's Business: Solve the Security Puzzle for Your Small Business and Home PDF ePub

    Cybersecurity Is Everybody's Business: Solve the Security ~ For a semi technical person, this book, cybersecurity is everybody's business: solve the security puzzle for your small business and home, is easy to read and understand. I definitely recommend this book to a person who wants to gain a basic understanding of cyber security subject matter. It is a suitable book for an IT professional, a senior executive of a corporate and board member.

    "Hacked Again" Softcover Book by Scott Schober ~ Solve the security puzzle for your small business and home “Rather than presenting endless hypotheticals and data dumps, Scott delivers need-to-know best cybersecurity practices for any small business.” – Shelly Palmer, Technology Expert, CEO of The Palmer Group. Since publication of his first book, Hacked Again, Scott Schober has dedicated himself to educating anyone who would listen by .

    Book Review: 'Cybersecurity Is Everybody’s Business' ~ The new book’s subtitle is: “Solve the Security Puzzle for Your Small Business and Home.” Why do I recommend this book? Put simply, it covers all the most important cybersecurity topics in .

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