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    CEO's Guide to Restoring the American Dream: How to Deliver World Class Healthcare to Your Employees at Half the Cost

    Beschreibung CEO's Guide to Restoring the American Dream: How to Deliver World Class Healthcare to Your Employees at Half the Cost. Most CEOs, HR leaders, and others have been led to believe that controlling health benefits costs isn't possible. The CEO's Guide to Restoring the American Dream shows how this just isn't true. It's an inside look into how public and private employers and unions across the U.S. are reducing their spending by 20% or more, while improving care quality and access, by taking control of the purchasing process, aligning economic incentives, and applying simple, practical, and proven approaches. The book opens the door to learning from these top performing benefits purchasers. It's built on the the real-life examples and successes of top performers across sectors, a field guide for how CEO's and HR leaders can improve their bottom line while improving their employees' own bottom line and health.

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