Beschreibung Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance. Secrets of the Entrepreneurial Mindset RevealedLearn how curiosity, imagination, and exponential innovation are creating life without limitsNaveen Jain is leading disruptions today that will reshape the worldÂand beyond. From redefining civilian space exploration to creating a path to free energy to disrupting healthcare and education, Jain is at the forefront of the exponential technology developments that will forever change how we live and work. In Moonshots Jain reveals the secrets of the "super entrepreneur" mindsetÂthe catalyst for creating an exciting and abundant future. He then walks readers through the application of these powerful concepts in three moonshot initiatives that he is leading today, one of which is Moon Express, a private lunar venture that promises to open up the moon's vast resources for the betterment of humanity. In Jain's world, the term "moonshot" is meant both literally and figuratively! Journey with Jain through these illuminating pages and awaken your own moonshot potential. ItÂs a discovery that will change your lifeÂand quite possibly the world.The book cover includes interactive augmented reality features.Named to Kirkus Reviews' Best Books of 2018
Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance: : Jain ~ Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance / Jain, Naveen, Schroeter, John, Branson, Sir Richard / ISBN: 9780999736401 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit .
Moonshots : Creating a World of Abundance (English Edition ~ "Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance comes from a billionaire entrepreneur who focuses on the types of disruptive innovations that can not only change human life, but improve it in various ways. It chronicles an approach to not just accepting this change, but cultivating its presence in everyday life. The term 'moonshot' in Naveen Jain's lingo is designed to be a one-word summation of the .
Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance (English Edition ~ Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance (English Edition) eBook: Jain, Naveen, Schroeter, John, Branson, Sir Richard, Branson, Sir Richard, Schroeter, John: .
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Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance / Naveen Jain ~ In Moonshots Jain reveals the secrets of the "super entrepreneur" mindsetâthe catalyst for creating an exciting and abundant future. He then walks readers through the application of these powerful concepts in three moonshot initiatives that he is leading today, one of which is Moon Express, a private lunar venture that promises to open up the moon's vast resources for the betterment of .
Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance (Hörbuch-Download ~ Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance (Hörbuch-Download): : Naveen Jain, Scott R. Pollak, Sir Richard Branson - foreword, John Schroeter - contributor, Author's Republic: Audible Audiobooks
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: Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance ~ "Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance comes from a billionaire entrepreneur who focuses on the types of disruptive innovations that can not only change human life, but improve it in various ways. It chronicles an approach to not just accepting this change, but cultivating its presence in everyday life. The term 'moonshot' in Naveen Jain's lingo is designed to be a one-word summation of the .
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Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance - ~ Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance ( Review 85 ) Read Online Download Now . Secrets of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Revealed Learn how curiosity, imagination, and exponential innovation are creating life without limits Naveen Jain is leading disruptions today that will reshape the world--and beyond. From redefining civilian space exploration to creating a path to free energy to disrupting .
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Moonshots : Creating a World of Abundance by Naveen Jain ~ Moonshots : Creating a World of Abundance by Naveen Jain & John Schroeter & Sir Richard Branson Author:Naveen Jain & John Schroeter & Sir Richard Branson [Jain, Naveen] , Date: May 15, 2019 ,Views: 304 Author:Naveen Jain & John Schroeter & Sir Richard Branson [Jain, Naveen] Language: eng Format: epub Publisher: John August Media, LLC Published: 2018-10-23T03:00:00+00:00 A great idea is only an .
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