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    The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and Garments Made in India (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains)

    Beschreibung The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and Garments Made in India (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains). This book explores the processes producing and reproducing the garment sweatshop in India. Drawing from Marxian and feminist insights, the book theorises the garment sweatshop in India as a complex 'regime' of exploitation and oppression, jointly crafted by global, regional and local actors, composed of factory and non-factory settings, and working across productive and reproductive realms. The analysis shows the tight correspondence between the physical and social materiality of garment production in India; illustrates the great social differentiation and complex patterns of labour unfreedom at work in the industry; and depicts the sweatshop as a composite 'joint enterprise' against the labouring body, which is inexorably depleted and consumed by garment work, even in the absence of major industrial disasters. By placing labour at the centre of the analysis of processes of development and globalisation, the book critically engages with key debates on industrial modernity, modern slavery, and ethical consumerism.

    Buch The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and Garments Made in India (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains) PDF ePub

    The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and ~ The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and Garments Made in India Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains: : Alessandra Mezzadri: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher

    The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and ~ The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and Garments Made in India Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains: : Mezzadri, Alessandra: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher

    PDF The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation ~ Jul 22, 2020 - Free download The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation, and Garments Made in India (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains) (1108799248) by Mezzadri, Alessandra (Paperback)

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