Beschreibung Value Creation and Sport Management. The sports business has become one of the fastest-growing industries in recent years. Sports organizations now have the potential to generate massive amounts of revenue through a variety of different channels, including broadcasting rights, advertising and branding. However, the rise of sports-related business has so far received relatively little attention from management scholars and social scientists. This book argues that we can no longer afford to ignore this important economic and social phenomenon. It presents a conceptual framework based on the concept of value creation to show how we can understand and explain the success and failure of sports organizations. Key concepts are illustrated with case studies of sporting organizations, including Real Madrid, FC Barcelona and the Americas Cup. Written by a team of authors from one of Spain's leading business schools, it provides a unique set of theoretical and practical insights for researchers and sports organization managers.
Value co-creation in sport management: ~ Value co-creation in sport management / Woratschek, Herbert, Horbel, Chris, Popp, Bastian / ISBN: 9781138915053 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Value Creation im Sport: Von der Integrativität zum Sport ~ Die zehn grundlegenden Prämissen des vorgestellten Sport Value Framework liefern einen neuen Denkrahmen, der den Herausforderungen im Sportmanagement besser gerecht wird als die traditionellen ökonomischen Auffassungen und stellt damit eine konsequente Weiterführung der innovativen Ansätze zur Integrativität dar. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Preview .
Value Creation and Sport Management ~ 978-0-521-19923-0 - Value Creation and Sport Management Sandalio Gomez, Kimio Kase and Ignacio Urrutia Frontmatter More information. ix Figures 1.1 The sport virtuous circle page 8 1.2 Key success factors of sports: entertain and get involved 8 2.1 Selling a product called sport 23 2.2 The different sport business models 28 2.3 The growth of the football sector 31 2.4 Sport entity stakeholder .
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Marketing Management: A Value-Creation Process - Jolibert ~ "With its central focus on value creation and competitive positioning, this book is a welcome addition to the growing literature on marketing management which sees marketing as a process rather than simply a business function. Backing up the principles discussed with a clear tool kit of techniques to aid implementation, together with a wealth of up to date examples, it will be of immense use .
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