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    Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen (Communication, Society and Politics)

    Beschreibung Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen (Communication, Society and Politics). Why did 62 million Americans vote for Donald Trump? Trump and Us offers a fresh perspective on this question, taking seriously the depth and breadth of Trump's support. An expert in political language, Roderick P. Hart turns to Trump's words, voters' remarks, and media commentary for insight. The book offers the first systematic rhetorical analysis of Trump's 2016 campaign and early presidency, using text analysis and archives of earlier presidential campaigns to uncover deep emotional undercurrents in the country and provide historical comparison. Trump and Us pays close attention to the emotional dimensions of politics, above and beyond cognition and ideology. Hart argues it was not partisanship, policy, or economic factors that landed Trump in the Oval Office but rather how Trump made people feel.

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    Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen ~ Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen (Communication, Society and Politics) [Hart, Roderick P.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen (Communication, Society and Politics)

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    Why Do People Support Donald Trump? - The Atlantic ~ Trump Has a Drive for Perfection––“He will expect greatness from us, he will tell us how to get to great, he will inspire people to be better than they are and have the hope that their .

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    US Politics / Latest news, comment and analysis ~ US politics. US politics. Donald Trump’s libel lawsuit against CNN is dismissed by federal judge. US politics . Alaska's sole member in US House tests positive for COVID-19. US politics .

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    US politics / The Guardian ~ Latest US politics news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice

    Tax Records Reveal How Fame Gave Trump a $427 Million ~ In 2016, he agreed to pay $25 million to settle litigation over Trump University, an unaccredited seminar that persuaded people to pay as much as $35,000 to learn the real estate trade. But that .

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    RealClearPolitics Video ~ Richard Hopkins, an Erie, Pennsylvania postal employee that says he blew the whistle on USPS ballot tampering, talks to Project Veritas' James O'Keefe about being "coerced" by feds to drop his .

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    Why did so many people vote for Trump? Like it or not, he ~ Politics; Federal; US votes 2020 ; Opinion Why did so many people vote for Trump? Like it or not, he is a 'safe space' for millions. Jacqueline Maley Columnist and senior journalist. November 8 .

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    Who is Nathan Simington, Trump's pick for the FCC? ~ Trump’s FCC pick says he won’t recuse himself from Section 230 vote Simington has been a controversial choice by Trump. Nov 10, 2020, 4:28 pm* Tech . Andrew Wyrich. Despite Joe Biden being .