Beschreibung Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified. Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified aims to clarify and explain the fascinating world of molecular gastronomy. It offers the reader crucial knowledge of key ingredients and provides fundamental step-by-step techniques for application. It provides a foundation for experimenting with and, most importantly, understanding new and exciting ingredients and cooking techniques.
Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified ~ Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified / Sanchez, Jose / ISBN: 9781118073865 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified By ~ [Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified] [By: Sanchez, Jose] [May, 2015] / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Molecular Gastronomy : Scientific Cuisine Demystified ~ Written by a chef who has spent years cultivating his craft, Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified focuses on introducing the subject to readers and future chefs who have minimal or no experience in the molecular gastronomy of various foods. With its scientific approach, Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified provides a foundation and platform for experimentation .
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Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified / Wiley ~ Molecular Gastronomy: Scientific Cuisine Demystified aims to clarify and explain the fascinating world of molecular gastronomy. It offers the reader crucial knowledge of key ingredients and provides fundamental step-by-step techniques for application. It provides a foundation for experimenting with and, most importantly, understanding new and exciting ingredients and cooking techniques.
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