Beschreibung Cooking to the Image: A Plating Handbook. Plating exposes a chef's deepest beliefs about what food is, and how food should be. This book provides the prerequisites to cultivating a professional viewpoint, to investigate these deeper meanings, by considering the different ways a chef looks at food. The goal of the text is to provide a map of how a chef creates a plate of food by considering common questions such as: Where in the menu is this food item to be placed? And how will it be served? Structured as a design process, this book outlines how personal creativity and professional traditions fuse to create successful plated presentations of food.
Cooking to the Image: A Plating Handbook By: Sikorski ~ [Cooking to the Image: A Plating Handbook] [By: Sikorski, Elaine] [January, 2013] / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Cooking to the Image: A Plating Handbook by Elaine ~ Cooking to the Image: A Plating Handbook by Elaine Sikorski(2012-11-06) / Elaine Sikorski / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Cooking to the Image: A Plating Handbook: Sikorski, Elaine ~ Cooking to the Image: A Plating Handbook offers readers a fascinating perspective of a culinary Art that demonstrates taste as not simply a means of creating flavor, but also a cultural context larger than the Professional kitchen. Itprovides future chefs with the prerequisites to cultivate a professional viewpoint of plating by considering the different ways a chef looks at food.
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