Beschreibung The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation. The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation, 7th Edition takes the reader from the initial idea to the grand opening. It features comprehensive, applications-based coverage of all aspects of developing, opening, and running a restaurant. This includes topics such as staffing, legal and regulatory concerns, cost control and general financing, marketing and promotion, equipment and design, the menu, sanitation, and concept. A one-stop guide to the restaurant business, the Seventh Edition of Walker’s, The Restaurant continues the success of previous editions, providing, in an easy-to-read way, all of the skills and information needed to master every challenge and succeed in this highly competitive and rewarding industry. Each chapter has been revised, updated, and enhanced with numerous industry examples, sidebars, charts, tables, photographs, and menus. Greater emphasis is placed on restaurant business plans, restaurant management, and restaurant operations. The themes of sustainability and sustainable restaurant management have been added throughout. The Seventh Edition includes new sections on purchasing meat, cocktails, and the early history of eating out. All of this information will help restaurant owners make the decisions necessary to build a thriving business.
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