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    Beyond Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Business

    Beschreibung Beyond Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Business. Move beyond cybersecurity to take protection of your digital business to the next levelBeyond Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Business arms your company against devastating online security breaches by providing you with the information and guidance you need to avoid catastrophic data compromise. Based upon highly-regarded risk assessment analysis, this critical text is founded upon proprietary research, client experience, and interviews with over 200 executives, regulators, and security experts, offering you a well-rounded, thoroughly researched resource that presents its findings in an organized, approachable style. In addition to the text, you receive access to digital materials that further reinforce key concepts, including a cybersecurity risk maturity survey, cybersecurity templates and checklists, and access to all survey results associated with cybersecurity. Members of the global economy have spent years and tens of billions of dollars fighting cyber threats—but attacks remain an immense concern in the world of online business. The threat of data compromise that can lead to the leak of important financial and personal details can make consumers suspicious of the digital economy, and cause a nosedive in their trust and confidence in online business models.Understand the critical issue of cyber-attacks, and how they are both a social and a business issue that could slow the pace of innovation while wreaking financial havocConsider how step-change capability improvements can create more resilient organizationsDiscuss how increased collaboration within the cybersecurity industry could improve alignment on a broad range of policy issuesExplore how the active engagement of top-level business and public leaders can achieve progress toward cyber-resiliencyBeyond Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Business is an essential resource for business leaders who want to protect their organizations against cyber-attacks.

    Buch Beyond Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Business PDF ePub

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