Beschreibung Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises. Building Intelligent Enterprises by leveraging the emerging and next-generation technologies to accelerate the adoption of digital transformation The speed of innovation and emerging IT technologies are changing at a very fast pace and enterprises are eager to join the digital revolution so they can stand above the competition and succeed as the enterprise of tomorrow. This book is an attempt to make the enterprise intelligent by providing the path to digital transformation and the adoption of new IT methods, tools and technologies. This book has been organized to cover the following topics: Digital Transformation, Design Thinking, Agile, DevOps, Robotic Process Automation, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Drones, Augmented and Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, Big Data, Analytics, Cloud Computing, APIs, and SAP Leonardo. No prior knowledge of any technical coding or language is necessary to understand the content of this book. End-to-end storyline to accelerate the enterprise’s digital transformation journey How an enterprise can stay relevant, compete, and perform in the digital economy How to leverage these technologies to build intelligent enterprises Understand and apply the emerging technologies across key business processes Industry-specific Use Cases for all technologies as a reference point to build the business case for implementation The book is very well suited towards the C-Suite executives, both IT and business leaders, directors and managers, project managers, solution architects, and all professionals who have an interest and desire to keep up-to-date with the latest technological trends, looking for a career change, want to help enterprise adapt and onboard the digital roadmap, or have an agenda to digitize key processes within the enterprise to make it intelligent.
Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises ~ Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises / Anup Maheshwari / ISBN: 9781119540830 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises ~ Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises (English Edition) eBook: Anup Maheshwari: : Kindle-Shop
Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises ~ Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises - Kindle edition by Maheshwari, Anup. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises.
Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises ~ Building Intelligent Enterprises by leveraging the emerging and next-generation technologies to accelerate the adoption of digital transformation The speed of innovation and emerging IT technologies are changing at a very fast pace and enterprises are eager to join the digital revolution so they can stand above the competition and succeed as the enterprise of tomorrow.
Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises ~ Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises is a business leader's guide to all of the key tech tools available today. Not every firm needs to implement every technology out there. This book is excellent for managers and executives with an interest in identifying the technologies that will be most effective and valuable for their unique situations. With theoretical background and .
Building Intelligent Enterprises: Path To Digital ~ Digital Transformation: Building Intelligent Enterprises, which will be published in September 2019, covers design thinking, the Internet of Things, machine learning, blockchain, cloud computing, and every technology impacting enterprises today.
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