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    The Art of Investigation

    Beschreibung The Art of Investigation. The Art of Investigation examines the qualities required to be a professional, thorough, and effective investigator. As the title suggests, it delves into more than the steps and procedures involved in managing an investigation, it also covers the "soft skills" necessary to effectively direct investigations and intuit along the way. The editors and contributing authors are the best in their field, and bring a wealth of real-world knowledge and experience to the subject. There are several publications available on the nuts-and-bolts of the process and stages of an investigation. That ground has been covered. However, little has been published on the investigative skills required, the traits necessary, and the qualities endemic to an inquisitive mind that can be cultivated to improve an investigator’s professional skill-set.Each chapter discusses the applicability of the traits to the contributor’s own work and experience as an investigator. In doing so, the contributors provide a story—or set of stories—from their personal experience, which demonstrates a given trait and its importance in the course of their investigative work and career. This will be first-hand experience that will serve to help any investigative professional in the course of their work. The case examples included throughout are sometimes surprising, but always engaging and insightful. An investigator must keep an open mind above all else, and this book will "lift the veil" on the inner workings of an investigation, in addition to the thought processes and inner monologues of an investigator as part of that process.

    Key Features

    • Chapters highlight the qualities and traits—the "soft skills"—that are required, and which can be improved over time, to be a thorough investigator.• A veritable "Who’s Who" of renowned investigative experts lend their personal expertise and experience to this how-to manual for investigators.• A unique approach is applied and provides self-help advice for both new and experienced investigative and security professionals.• The book focuses on the learned, acquired, and intuitive skills of investigation—a nuanced but essential aspect of the investigative skill-set.The Art of Investigation will be a welcome addition to any investigator’s toolkit and will also be of interest to students in criminal justice, security, and Homeland Security programs, security consultants, corporate and private security professionals, and the legal community.

    Buch The Art of Investigation PDF ePub

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