Beschreibung Tourism, Tourists and Society. Tourism, Tourists and Society provides a broad introduction to the inter-relationship between tourism and society, making complex sociological concepts and themes accessible to readers from a non-sociological academic background. It provides a thorough exploration of how society influences or shapes the behaviours, motivations, attitudes and consumption of tourists, as well as the tourism impacts on destination societies.The fifth edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect recent data, concepts and academic debates: New content on: mobilities paradigm and the emotional dimension of tourist experiences. New chapter: Tourism and the Digital Revolution, looking at the ways in which the Internet and mobile technology transform both tourist behaviour and the tourist experience. New end-of-chapter further reading and discussion topics.Accessible yet critical in style, this book offers students an invaluable introduction to tourism, tourists and society.
Tourism, Tourists and Society - 5th Edition - Richard ~ ‘Now in its fifth edition, Tourism, Tourists and Society offers an ideal introductory text for those interested in the sociological issues of contemporary tourism. Richard Sharpley is to be commended for communicating complex sociological theories and concepts in an accessible and interesting way. The book is comprehensive, well-structured and full of thought-provoking examples.’ -
Tourism, tourists and society (eBook, 2018) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! Tourism, tourists and society. [Richard Sharpley] -- "Tourism, Tourists and Society provides a broad introduction to the inter-relationship between tourism and society, making complex sociological concepts and themes accessible to readers from a .
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