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    Petkovic, D: Microsoft sql server 2016: a beginner's guide

    Beschreibung Petkovic, D: Microsoft sql server 2016: a beginner's guide. Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Up-to-date Microsoft SQL Server 2016 skills made easy!Get up and running on Microsoft SQL Server 2016 in no time with help from this thoroughly revised, practical resource. The book offers thorough coverage of SQL management and development and features full details on the newest business intelligence, reporting, and security features. Filled with new real-world examples and hands-on exercises, Microsoft SQL Server 2016: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition, starts by explaining fundamental relational database system concepts. From there, you will learn how to write Transact-SQL statements, execute simple and complex database queries, handle system administration and security, and use the powerful analysis and BI tools. XML, spatial data, and full-text search are also covered in this step-by-step tutorial.·       Revised from the ground up to cover the latest version of SQL Server ·       Ideal both as a self-study guide and a classroom textbook·       Written by a prominent professor and best-selling author

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    Microsoft SQL Server 2016: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition ~ Microsoft SQL Server 2016: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition (6th ed.) by Dusan Petkovic. Up-to-date Microsoft SQL Server 2016 skills made easy! Get up and running on Microsoft SQL Server 2016 in no time with help from this thoroughly revised, practical resource. The book offers thorough coverage of SQL management and development and features full details on the newest business intelligence .

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