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    Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement

    Beschreibung Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement. Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement stands apart from other texts on health care finance or health insurance, in that it combines financial principles unique to the health care setting with the methods and process for reimbursement (including coding, reimbursement strategies, compliance, financial reporting, case mix index, and external auditing). It explains the revenue cycle in detail, correlating it with regular management functions; and covers reimbursement from the initial point of care through claim submission and reconciliation. Thoroughly updated for its second edition, this text reflects changes to the Affordable Care Act, Managed Care Organizations, new coding initiatives, new components of the revenue cycle (from reimbursement to compliance), updates to regulations surrounding health care fraud and abuse, changes to the Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) program, and more.Designed to prepare health administration and health information management students with the necessary tools to successfully transition from the classroom to the health care facility, this text includes:- Basics of Health Care Finance & Financial Management- Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act- Managed Care Organizations- Medicare Prospective Payment System (Inpatient)- Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems (OPPS)- Coding for the Non-HIM Professional- Revenue Cycle Management- Healthcare Fraud and Abuse- Electronic Health Records and Meaningful Use- Government Incentive Programs- Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC)Two new chapters cover the mechanics of hierarchical condition categories from a CMS perspective (15), and the application of HCC coding in a physican practice (16).

    Buch Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement PDF ePub

    HEALTH CARE FINANCE and the Mechanics of Insurance and ~ HEALTH CARE FINANCE and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement MICHAEL K. HARRINGTON, MSHA, RHIA, CHP . History of Reimbursement 46 Providers, Suppliers, and Claims 47 Physician Self-Referral Prohibition 59 Financial Liability Protections for Beneficiaries 60 Appeals of Claims 64 Completing the Form CMS-1450 Data Set 65 Conclusion 69 References 70 Chapter 4 Government Payer Types 71 .

    HealtH Care FinanCe and tHe MeCHaniCs oF insuranCe and ~ Insurance, Health, Reimbursement--United States. 2. Financial Management--methods--United States. 3. Insurance Claim Reporting--United States. W 275 AA1] RA412.3 368.38’200681--dc23 2014038076 6048 Printed in the United States of America 19 18 17 16 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Jones & Bartlett Learning 5 Wall Street Burlington, MA 01803 978-443-5000 info@jblearning www.jblearning .

    Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and ~ Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement stands apart from other texts on health care finance or health insurance, in that it combines financial principles unique to the health care setting with the methods and process for reimbursement (including coding, reimbursement strategies, compliance, financial reporting, case mix index, and external auditing).

    Health care finance and the mechanics of insurance and ~ Get this from a library! Health care finance and the mechanics of insurance and reimbursement. [Michael K Harrington]

    Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and ~ by Michael K. Harrington · data of the paperback book Health Care Finance and the . (1-284-02612-4)

    Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and ~ Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement 2nd Edition by Michael K. Harrington and Publisher Jones & Bartlett Learning. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781284203301, 1284203301. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781284169034, 1284169030.

    Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and ~ Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement stands apart from other texts on health care finance or health insurance, in that it specifically addresses the methods and process for reimbursement, including coding, reimbursement strategies, compliance, financial reporting, case mix index, and external auditing. With up-to-date coverage of the Affordable Care Act, this .

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    Health Care Financing and Insurance / SpringerLink ~ The distinction between basic and supplementary health care insurance, and how they are regulated, is of fundamental importance to health care financing. This book makes a welcome contribution to the literature on this subject, providing insights into how the problem is addressed in a number of countries. It will be of considerable interest to a wide variety of scholars and practitioners .

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    Health Care Financing / Encyclopedia ~ HEALTH CARE FINANCING The methods used to finance personal health care service play a major role in shaping a country's health care system. Personal health care include services such as hospital care, physician care, dental services, and drugs that are provided directly to individuals. How this care is financed influences how people access health care, the types of health care provided, and .

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