Beschreibung Exploring the Hospitality Industry, Global Edition. For Introduction to Hospitality courses Empower tomorrow's hospitality leaders with a visually appealing, easy, and engaging introduction to the exciting opportunities in the many varied segments of the industry Exploring the Hospitality Industry helps students advance in their careers by giving them a broad foundation of hospitality industry knowledge presented in a lively, visually appealing manner using engaging features to facilitate the learning process. Less theoretical and more industry-relevant than most texts in the field, it emphasizes the people, companies, and positions that make up the hospitality industry today. Moving beyond just restaurants and hotels to cover all facets and segments of the industry, it includes new growth areas such as event management, meeting planning, cruising, theme parks, and gaming entertainment. The focus on sustainability features case studies on practitioners and corporations that engage and involve reads as they explore the trends in this ever-growing field. Also available with MyHospitalityLab(R) MyHospitalityLab not included. Students, if MyHospitalityLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyHospitalityLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. This title is also available with MyHospitalityLab-an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. To help students explore the hospitality industry, MyHospitalityLab includes industry-specific simulations from Hospitality & Tourism Interactive (HTi), and real case studies written by industry leaders.
Exploring the Hospitality Industry, Global Edition ~ Exploring the Hospitality Industry helps students advance in their careers by giving them a broad foundation of hospitality industry knowledge presented in a lively, visually appealing manner using engaging features to facilitate the learning process. Less theoretical and more industry-relevant than most texts in the field, it emphasizes the people, companies, and positions that make up the .
Exploring the Hospitality Industry 3e by Walker (Global ~ Download Exploring the Hospitality Industry 3e by Walker (Global Edition) in pdf format. Exploring the Hospitality Industry 3e by Walker (Global Edition) book free to read online.
Exploring the Hospitality Industry, Global Edition, 3rd ~ Exploring the Hospitality Industry helps students advance in their careers by giving them a broad foundation of hospitality industry knowledge presented in a lively, visually appealing manner using engaging features to facilitate the learning process. Less theoretical and more industry-relevant than most texts in the field, it emphasises the people, companies, and positions that make up the .
Download Book / Exploring the Hospitality Industry (3rd ~ To download Exploring the Hospitality Industry (3rd Global Edition) - DOES NOT include MyHospitalityLab eBook, remember to follow the web link below and download the file or gain access to other information which are have conjunction with EXPLORING THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY (3RD GLOBAL EDITION) - DOES NOT INCLUDE MYHOSPITALITYLAB ebook. Pearson Global Edition, 2016. Condition: Brand New .
Exploring the Hospitality Industry, Global Edition: ~ Exploring the Hospitality Industry helps students advance in their careers by giving them a broad foundation of hospitality industry knowledge presented in a lively, visually appealing manner using engaging features to facilitate the learning process. Less theoretical and more industry-relevant than most texts in the field, it emphasizes the people, companies, and positions that make up the .
Introduction to Hospitality, Global Edition (eBook, PDF ~ Introduction to Hospitality, Seventh Edition, focuses on hospitality operations while offering a broad, comprehensive view of the world's largest industry. The text is organized into four sections: hospitality and lodging; beverages, restaurants, and managed services; tourism, recreation, attractions, clubs, and gaming; and assemblies, events, attractions, leadership, and management.
Exploring the Hospitality Industry, Global Edition: ~ Exploring the Hospitality Industry, Global Edition (Inglese) Copertina flessibile â 11 aprile 2016 di John Walker (Autore) 4,4 su 5 . Audible Download Audiolibri: Web Services Servizi Cloud Scalabili: Warehouse I nostri prodotti usati e ricondizionati : Book Depository Libri con spedizione gratuita in tutto il mondo: Kindle Direct Publishing Pubblica i tuoi libri in formato .
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Exploring the Hospitality Industry, 3rd Edition - Pearson ~ Exploring the Hospitality Industry helps students advance in their careers by giving them a broad foundation of hospitality industry knowledge presented in a lively, visually appealing manner using engaging features to facilitate the learning process. Less theoretical and more industry-relevant than most texts in the field, it emphasizes the people, companies, and positions that make up the .
Editions of Exploring the Hospitality Industry by John R ~ Editions for Exploring the Hospitality Industry: 0135118859 (Hardcover published in 2011), 0133762777 (Paperback published in 2015), (Kindle Edition publ.
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The International Hospitality Business: Management and ~ International Hospitality Business: Management and Operations will introduce hospitality managers to the most up-to-date developments in hospitality to prepare you for the rapidly changing world of international hospitality. This book is a compilation of the most current research in global operations. It examines new developments, new management concepts, and new corporate mergers .
, Exploring the Hospitality Industry [RENTAL EDITION], 4th ~ Exploring the Hospitality Industry fills a vital need: to broadly cover the hospitality industry and provide a dynamic introduction for hospitality management students. More practical than theoretical, the text addresses the latest trends across hospitality segments â from the traditional realms of tourism, hotels, and restaurants, to growth areas such as event management. The
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Tourism: The Business of Hospitality and Travel, Global ~ It views the industry from a holistic, global business perspectiveâexamining the management, marketing and finance issues most important to industry members. Chapters reveal an integrated model of tourism and address consumer behavior, service quality, and personal selling. The thoroughness of content and references also make it suitable for upper-level hospitality and tourism courses .
Introduction to Hospitality, Global Edition ~ Introduction to Hospitality, Seventh Edition, focuses on hospitality operations while offering a broad, comprehensive view of the worldâs largest industry. The text is organized into four sections: hospitality and lodging; beverages, restaurants, and managed services; tourism, recreation, attractions, clubs, and gaming; and assemblies, events, attractions, leadership, and management. Each .
International Hospitality Management: Concepts and Cases ~ International Hospitality Management: issues and applications brings together the latest developments in global hospitality operations with the contemporary management principles. It provides a truly international perspective on the hospitality and tourism industries and provides a fresh insight into hospitality and tourism management. The text develops a critical view of the management theory .
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Hospitality Development: Hotelprojekte erfolgreich planen ~ Hospitality Development: Hotelprojekte erfolgreich planen und umsetzen Band 2 von IHA Edition Hotellerie: Herausgeber: Burkhard von Freyberg: Verlag: Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co KG, 2010: ISBN: 3503129200, 9783503129201: LĂ€nge: 563 Seiten : Zitat exportieren: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan
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Hospitality Marketing: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild als ~ This introductory textbook shows you how to apply the principles of marketing within the hospitality industry. Written specifically for students taking marketing modules within a hospitality course it contains examples and case studies that show how ideas and concepts can be successfully applied to a real-life work situation. It emphasises topical issues such as sustainable marketing .
Hospitality Development: Hotelprojekte erfolgreich planen ~ Hospitality Development: Hotelprojekte erfolgreich planen und umsetzen (IHA Edition Hotellerie, Band 2) / Freyberg, Prof. Dr. Burkhard von, Bessler, Philipp .