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    International Business: Challenges in a Changing World

    Beschreibung International Business: Challenges in a Changing World. Clear, comprehensive and engaging, this core textbook is authored by an established and respected expert in the field and approaches its subject from a truly global perspective, offering in-depth insights into current challenges facing international businesses. The text has been carefully designed to encourage critical reflection and is packed with case studies and innovative learning features to emphasise the links between theory and the real world. The book takes a multidisciplinary, multi-perspective approach, placing International Business in its political, social and ethical context as well as its economic one.This textbook is essential reading for undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students studying international business for the first time.

    Buch International Business: Challenges in a Changing World PDF ePub

    INTERNflTIONflL BUSINESS - GBV ~ BUSINESS Challenges in a changing world JANET MORRISON Formerly Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for Undergraduate and Postgraduate International Management Degrees, University ofSunderland Business School, UK macmiUan Tf»«O PSA "__ "" ' ""• ! * ; j i, i , T'~~- j - • . l/ •- \-7M •" ' r ;J j •'•-•V ' J ^4. • [J i. <! List of figures and tables List of plates About the .

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