Beschreibung Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. Tourism can be a challenging subject for students because it is both dynamic and susceptible to economic turbulence and shifts in trends. Tourism: A Modern Synthesis is an essential textbook for tourism students looking for a clear and comprehensive introduction to their studies which helps overcome these challenges. The authors apply a strong business approach to the subject reflecting developments in the teaching and content of modern courses and the text covers both key principles and contemporary themes and issues at a global scale. It is the ideal guide to Tourism for students across all levels, serving as a point of reference throughout their course.
Tourism : a modern synthesis : Page, Stephen, 1963- : Free ~ Tourism : a modern synthesis. "This second edition has been completely revised, expanded, updated and enhanced to include all of the current issues affecting Tourism globally such as the impact of terrorism, crime, epidemics such as SARS and Avian Flu and natural disasters, the role of government in managing and developing Tourism, the impact of .
Tourism: A Modern Synthesis - Stephen Page, Joanne Connell ~ Tourism: A Modern Synthesis is the core textbook for tourism, focusing on the development and management of tourism in an international context. A strong business and management theme pervades the.
Tourism: A Modern Synthesis - Stephen Page, Joanne Connell ~ Tourism: A Modern Synthesis is a core introductory textbook for lecturers who are looking for an accessible and engaging text for their tourism students. It focuses on the development and.
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9781408088432 - Tourism: a Modern Synthesis with ~ Tourism: A Modern Synthesis is an essential textbook for tourism students looking for a clear and comprehensive introduction to their studies which helps overcome these challenges. The authors apply a strong business approach to the subject reflecting developments in the teaching and content of modern courses and the text covers both key principles and contemporary themes and issues at a global scale. It is the ideal guide to tourism for students across all levels, serving as a point of .
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