Beschreibung Rubens, A: 8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Mis: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile Command. The untold story of Atari’s Missile Command With the advent of the arcade, Atari Inc. and its iconic game, Missile Command, were at the forefront of the industry’s explosion, helping usher in both the age of the video game and the gamer lifestyle. In 8-Bit Apocalypse, tech insider Alex Rubens delves into electronic history to tell of an era when arcade games were designed, written, and coded by individual designers. He interviews major figures including Atari founder Nolan Bushnell and Missile Command creator David Theurer, who suffered from frequent nightmares of nuclear holocaust as he worked on the game. The first in-depth, personal history of the era, 8-Bit Apocalypse combines Rubens’s tech industry knowledge and experience as a gaming journalist to conjure the wild silicon frontier of the ’80s.
8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile ~ Taking readers back to the days of TaB cola, dot matrix printers, and digging through the couch for just one more quarter, Alex Rubens combines his knowledge of the tech industry and experience as a gaming journalist to conjure the wild silicon frontier of the 8-bit â80s. 8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile Command offers the first in-depth, personal history of an era for .
8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile ~ The untold story of Atariâs Missile Command With the advent of the arcade, Atari Inc. and its iconic game, Missile Command, were at the forefront of the industryâs explosion, helping usher in both the age of the video game and the gamer lifestyle.In 8-Bit Apocalypse, tech insider Alex Rubens delves into electronic history to tell of an era when arcade games were designed
8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile ~ 8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile Command - Kindle edition by Rubens, Alex, Gerstmann, Jeff, Gerstmann, Jeff. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading 8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile Command.
8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile ~ The untold story of Atariâs Missile Command With the advent of the arcade, Atari Inc. and its iconic game, Missile Command, were at the forefront of the industryâs explosion, helping usher in both the age of the video game and the gamer lifestyle.In 8-Bit Apocalypse, tech insider Alex Rubens delves into electronic history to tell of an era when arcade games were designed, written, and .
8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile ~ 8-Bit Apocalypse: The Untold Story of Atari's Missile Command offers the first in-depth, personal history of an era for which fans have a lot of nostalgia. Beyond your wildest dreams. From DC & Neil Gaiman, The Sandman arises only on Audible. Listen free with trial Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start .
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Atari, Inc. - Wikipedia ~ Atari, Inc. was an American video game developer and home computer company founded in 1972 by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney. Primarily responsible for the formation of the video arcade and modern video game industry, the company assets were split in 1984 as a direct result of the video game crash of 1983, and the company was renamed first Atari Games, Inc. and then Atari Holdings, Inc.
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