Beschreibung Pro Android C++ with the NDK (Professional Apress). Android is one of the major players in the mobile phone market. Android is a mobile platform that is built on the top of Linux operating system. The native-code support on Android offers endless opportunities to application developers, not limited the functionality that is provided by Android framework. Pro Android C++ with the NDK is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for today's more sophisticated app developers now porting, developing or employing C++ and other native code to integrate into the Android platform to run sophisticated native apps and better performing apps in general. Using a game app case study, this book explores tools for troubleshooting, debugging, analyzing memory issues, unit testing, unit test code coverage, performance measurement, on native applications, as well as integrating the Android NDK toolchain into existing Autoconf, Makefile, CMake, or JAM based build systems. Pro Android C++ with the NDK also covers the following: ·The Android platform, and getting up to speed with the Android NDK, and exploring the APIs that are provided in native space. An overview of Java Native Interface (JNI), and auto-generating JNI code through Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG). An introduction to Bionic API, native networking. native multithreading, and the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) support. Native graphics and sound using JNI Graphics, OpenGL ES, and OpenSL ES. Debugging and troubleshooting native applications using Logging, GNU Debugger (GDB), Eclipse Debugger, Valgrind, strace, and other tools. Profiling native code using GProf to identify performance bottlenecks, and NEON/SIMD optimization from an advanced perspective, with tips and recommendations. What you'll learn What is the Android platform, and getting up to speed with the Android NDK. Using the Eclipse IDE to streamline developing native applications How to use Java Native Interface (JNI) to connect
Pro Android C++ with the NDK (Professional Apress): ~ Pro Android C++ with the NDK (Professional Apress) / Cinar, Onur / ISBN: 9781430248279 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Pro Android C++ with the NDK / Onur Cinar / Apress ~ Pro Android C++ with the NDK is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for today's more sophisticated app developers now porting, developing or employing C++ and other native code to integrate into the Android platform to run sophisticated native apps and better performing apps in general. Using a game app case study, this book explores tools for troubleshooting, debugging, analyzing memory issues, unit testing, unit test code coverage, performance measurement, on native .
Pro Android C++ with The NDK Professional Apress by Cinar ~ Pro Android C++ with The NDK (Professional Apress) by Cinar, Onur New Edition (2013) / Onur Cinar / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Pro Android C++ with the NDK (Professional Apress) / Guide ~ Pro Android C++ with the NDK (Professional Apress) December 2012. December 2012. Read More. Author: Onur Cinar; Publisher: Apress ; 901 Grayson Street Suite 204 Berkely, CA; United States; ISBN: 978-1-4302-4827-9. Available at . Save to Binder Binder Export Citation Citation. Share on. Bibliometrics. Citation count. 1. Downloads (6 weeks) 0. Downloads (12 months) 0. Downloads (cumulative .
Pro Android C++ with the NDK [Book] - O’Reilly Online ~ Pro Android C++ with the NDK is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for today's more sophisticated app developers now porting, developing or employing C++ and other native code to integrate into the Android platform to run sophisticated native apps and better performing apps in general. Using a game app case study, this book explores tools for troubleshooting, debugging, analyzing memory issues, unit testing, unit test code coverage, performance measurement, on native .
Pro Android C++ with the NDK (Professional Apress): ~ Pro Android C++ with the NDK is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for today's more sophisticated app developers now porting, developing or employing C++ and other native code to integrate into the Android platform to run sophisticated native apps and better performing apps in general. Using a game app case study, this book explores tools for troubleshooting, debugging, analyzing memory issues, unit testing, unit test code coverage, performance measurement, on native .
TextBook Pro Android C With The Ndk [PDF] ~ Pro Android C With The Ndk Buch Versandkostenfrei Bei pro android c with the ndk is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for todays more sophisticated app developers now porting developing or employing c and other native code to integrate into the android platform to run sophisticated native apps and better performing apps in general Cinar Pro Android C With The Ndk 1st Ed 2012 .
: Pro Android C++ with the NDK (9781430248279 ~ Pro Android C++ with the NDK is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for today's more sophisticated app developers now porting, developing or employing C++ and other native code to integrate into the Android platform to run sophisticated native apps and better performing apps in general. Using a game app case study, this book explores tools for troubleshooting, debugging, analyzing memory issues, unit testing, unit test code coverage, performance measurement, on native .
Pro Android C++ with the NDK / Programming Book ~ Android NDK Beginners Guide – Android and inject the power of C and C++ in your applications C++ for Engineers and Scientists Third Edition Book of 2010 Year C++ for Everyone 2nd Edition Book of 2012 Year
Pro Android C++ with the NDK (豆瓣) ~ Pro Android C++ with the NDK Native Development Kit) is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for today's more sophisticated app developers now porting, developing or employing C++ and other native code to integrate into the Android platform to run more graphically intense apps, more sophisticated game apps and better performing apps in general.
20+ Pro Android C With The Ndk [PDF] ~ Pro Android C With The Ndk Professional Apress pro android c with the ndk is an advanced tutorial and professional reference for todays more sophisticated app developers now porting developing or employing c and other native code to integrate into the android platform to run sophisticated native apps and better performing apps in general using a game app case study this book explores .
Advanced Android: Getting Started with the NDK ~ If you’ve got loads of C code for your existing application, using the NDK could speed up your project’s development process as well as help keep changes synchronized between your Android and non-Android projects. This can be particularly true of OpenGL ES applications written for other platforms.
How do I compile an existing C program for Android using NDK? ~ I am writing an Android app to test network performance, and I want to use iPerf in the app. I can find binary iPerf files already compiled for Android (and then I can run iPerf on the phone and collect its output) but I'm interested in compiling the files myself.
Using C and C++ Code in an Android App with the NDK ~ The NDK is a toolset that enables the development of Android apps using C, C++ and other native code languages, compiling code into applications that can run on Android devices. Using the NDK is .
Android studio c++ ndk support - Stack Overflow ~ One of my friends suggested to use c++ support in Android studio in order to hide passwords. I have found tons of tutorials how to get started with ndk in android. But they are all outdated(2015) and
Android Studio - Download - CHIP ~ Android Studio 4.1.0 Englisch: Mit dem "Android Studio" bietet Google eine vollständige Entwicklungsumgebung für Android-Entwickler an.
Android NDK / heise Download ~ Android NDK (Native Development Kit) ist eine Sammlung von Tools, um Apps in nativen Codesprachen wie C und C++ zu entwickeln.
Get started with the NDK / Android NDK / Android Developers ~ The Android Native Development Kit (NDK): a set of tools that allows you to use C and C++ code with Android. CMake: an external build tool that works alongside Gradle to build your native library. You do not need this component if you only plan to use ndk-build. LLDB: the debugger Android Studio uses to debug native code.
Bücher bei Google Play ~ Viel Spaß mit Millionen aktueller Android-Apps, Spielen, Musik, Filmen, Serien, Büchern und Zeitschriften – jederzeit, überall und auf allen deinen Geräten.
Android-Softwareentwicklung – Wikipedia ~ Android-Softwareentwicklung ist der Prozess, durch den Mobile Apps für Geräte mit dem Betriebssystem Android erstellt werden. Unter Verwendung des Android Software Development Kit (SDK) können Android-Apps mit den Programmiersprachen Kotlin, Java und C++ geschrieben werden. Das Android Native Development Kit (NDK) erlaubt darüber hinaus, Teile der Apps in nativem Code mit Sprachen wie C .
Android - Download / NETZWELT ~ Android Deutsch: Das Smartphone-OS von Google - Kostenloser Download für Android
AIDE- IDE for Android Java C++ – Apps bei Google Play ~ AIDE will turn your Android tablet with keyboard into a real development box. AIDE will turn your Android Phone into a small development computer to browse and touch your code on the go. AIDE supports building apps with Java/Xml and the Android SDK, apps with C/C++ and the Android NDK as well as pure Java console applications. AIDE is fully .
Software kostenlos downloaden - Android - CCM ~ Android Sprache: EN Version: 4.6.18174.0301. Download. Google Play Store (APK) Mit Google Play Store können Sie Apps und verschiedene andere Produkte im Handumdrehen auf Ihr Smartphone herunterladen. Die App bietet zudem eine übersichtliche und klar strukturierte Oberfläche, mit der Sie problemlos zwischen den. Lizenz: Kostenlos OS: Android Sprache: DE Version: 16.0.15. Download. Brawl .
NDK statt SDK - Android bekommt ein natives Entwicklerkit ~ Google bietet ab sofort ein natives Entwicklerkit für Android an. Während Applikationen auf Basis des Android-SDK von der Dalvik Virtual Machine ausgeführt werden,
android-ndk - programming - android studio ndk - Code Examples ~ android-ndk - programming - android studio ndk So konfigurieren Sie NDK mit Android Gradle Plugin 0.7 (4) Das neue Android-Gradle-Plugin (0.7) scheint neue Unterstützung für das NDK zu enthalten, aber in der Dokumentation gibt es wenig bis gar keine Erwähnung davon (die einzige Referenz, die ich fand, ist ein Test namens ndkSanAngeles ).