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    ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Coding System: Education, Planning and Implementation with Premium Website Printed Access Card and Cengage Encoderpro.com Demo ... (Flexible Solutions - Your Key to Success)

    Beschreibung ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Coding System: Education, Planning and Implementation with Premium Website Printed Access Card and Cengage Encoderpro.com Demo ... (Flexible Solutions - Your Key to Success). ICD-10-CM DIAGNOSTIC CODING SYSTEM fully prepares current and future medical coders for the transition to ICD-10-CM coding system that will go into effect on October 1, 2013. This comprehensive guide covers ICD-10-CM diagnostic coding, highlighting changes in terminology, functionality, guidelines, and conventions. Whether you need to understand and review the impact the transition will have on the industry, or if you need to learn to assign ICD-10 codes accurately, ICD-10-CM DIAGNOSTIC CODING SYSTEM will prepare you for the road ahead.

    Buch ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Coding System: Education, Planning and Implementation with Premium Website Printed Access Card and Cengage Encoderpro.com Demo ... (Flexible Solutions - Your Key to Success) PDF ePub

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