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    The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents

    Beschreibung The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents. Is it possible for visionary leaders to adhere to their idealism and integrity without becoming casualties of corporate conservatism and executive-level politics? This book says "yes," arguing for the need for visionary change agents in organizations and resolving the paradox of visionary change in a bureaucratic environment.Why do many companies state they want change but then often fire employees who truly rock the boat in their efforts to shift the paradigm to make improvements? How should "disposable visionaries"—leaders who are passionate about new ideas, but who underestimate or intentionally ignore the political environment that supports maintaining the status quo and consequently are in danger of losing their jobs—keep their passion regardless of the opposition… and also keep their jobs?Written with wit and filled with poignant insights and well-documented examples, this book provides practical advice and encouragement to those who are driven to promote new ideas and reach new levels of achievement. Not just for executive-level corporate leaders frustrated by their company's resistance to change, the information and inspiration presented will be enlightening to anyone who has ever been puzzled or annoyed by obstructive internal politics at work. Readers will come away with effective ways to deal with politics, champion breakthrough innovation, be recognized as their organization's most valuable asset, and unlock their potential to change the competitive playing field. The book will also be invaluable for business students who need to be aware of potential obstacles they will likely face as they embark on their careers.• Helps visionaries to identify their character traits, both positive and negative, and gives them direction on how to hang on to their idealism while more clearly perceiving how their actions affect others in the organization, including their managers, corporate leadership, or board of directors• Describes a previously undocumented yet common dynamic that has frustrated many ambitious employees, told from the visionary's own viewpoint• Explains how to manage visionaries more effectively by encouraging them to make meaningful contributions that can be embraced and claimed by others in the organization• Enables leaders who are change agents to improve their chances of staying in an executive position long enough for their ideas to gel and take positive effect • Features interesting profiles of (ultimately) successful visionaries—maverick leaders who were often initially fired or smothered for their methods and mindsets—throughout the book

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    The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents ~ This is a courageous guide to creating the organization you say you want to have and being the change agent you say you want to be." (James A. Autry, Author of The Servant Leader) "The Disposable Visionary offers hope to visionaries and sound guidance for organizations. Thoroughly enjoyable reading and thoroughly practical." (David A. Nershi .

    Disposable visionary : a survival guide for change agents ~ Get this from a library! Disposable visionary : a survival guide for change agents. [Bill Jerome; Curtis Powell, (Marketing researcher)] -- "Is it possible for visionary leaders to adhere to their idealism and integrity without becoming casualties of corporate conservatism and executive-level politics? This books says "yes," arguing for .

    The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents ~ Start by marking “The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents” as Want to Read: . Start your review of The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents. Write a review. John rated it really liked it May 15, 2016. Bob Schatz rated it it was amazing Jun 07, 2016 . Collection added it Nov 02, 2015. Anthony Meals marked it as to-read Sep 24, 2016. Amy Peña .

    The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents ~ The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents 153. by Curtis Powell, Bill . Jerome. Hardcover $ 41.00. Hardcover. $41.00. NOOK Book . $35.99. View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details .

    Composer, Author, Playwright - Theatre, Author, Musicals ~ The Disposable Visionary: A Survival Guide for Change Agents. Co-authored with Bill Jerome, discover why the very people who are hired to change organizations are often the first to leave or are fired. Written with humor, stories, illustrations and based on solid research, this book speaks to the visionaries and those who manage them. Like Us on Facebook. Available on . Social. Contact .

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