Beschreibung Skues, K: Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History. In an age when the airwaves were tightly controlled by the authorities, pirate radio was the illicit and illustrious haven for music lovers across the nation. From the first broadcast in 1964, the cowboys of the radio world fed their listeners desire for pop and rock music and, by doing so, changed British radio forever.Through more than 100 crisp, black-and-white photographs, Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History brings to life the golden years of pirate radio. Featuring pictures of the crew, the boats and the fans, this book takes the reader on a journey from the formative years of pirate radio, through its political persecution and beyond.
Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History: : Keith ~ Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History: : Keith Skues, David Kindred: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History (English Edition ~ Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History (English Edition) eBook: Keith Skues, David Kindred, Contributions by Tony Blackburn, Contributions by Hans Knot, Contributions by Peter Moore, Johnny Beerling: : Kindle-Shop
Official Site FOR Download (PDF/Epub) Skues, K: Pirate ~ ☟☟ Link Pdf Skues, K: Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History Free eBooks PDF Click Link Below ☟☟ : Link ☞☞ : .
Offshore disc-jockeys of the 60s, S-Sp - The Pirate Radio ~ Keith also wrote the text for Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History, a book of photos taken by David Kindred, . Keith Skues presenting Star Verdict on Radio Caroline South from 12th December 1965 with guest reviewer singer Kathy Kirby. This is an edited version of a recording shared by The Offshore Radio Archive (duration 7 minutes 29 seconds) A couple of extracts from a special programme .
Credits - The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame ~ Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History by Keith Skues and David Kindred, published 2014 by Amberley Publishing. A 160 page hardback book, it features more than a hundred of David Kindred's fantastic photos while former pirate DJ Keith Skues tells the story of pirate radio in Britain. Pirate Radio Then And Now by Stuart Henry and Mike Von Joel. Published 1984 by Blandford Press, it is a diary of .
Piratensender – Wikipedia ~ An Illustrated History of Pirate Radio. Lambs’ Meadow Publications, Sheffield 1994, ISBN 0-907398-03-0 Björn Quäck: Hobbypiratensender auf der Kurzwelle in: Michael Schmitz, Wolf Siebel: Sender & Frequenzen 2015 – Jahrbuch für weltweiten Rundfunkempfang , Siebel Verlag, Verlag für Technik und Handwerk, Baden-Baden 2014, ISBN 978-3-88180-893-4
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Keith Skues - Wikipedia ~ In April 2005, Skues became semi-retired, but could still be heard on the above BBC Local Radio stations on Sundays from 9 pm to 1 am with a show entitled Pirate Radio Skues, which included an "archive hour", replaying an hour of classic pirate radio from home-taped recordings. The "Archive Hour" was discontinued in 2009, following changes to BBC compliance rules.
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