Beschreibung Understanding the Music Industries. This textbook presents a full overview of the many elements of the music industries, and offers a sustained focus on 'understanding' the processes that have driven and continue to drive the development of those industries. More than just an expose or 'how to' guide, this book gives students the tools to make sense of technological change, socio-cultural processes, and the constantly shifting music business environment. The crucial focus on research and analysis means readers can understand and track the ongoing development of the music industries and place themselves in the front line of innovation and entrepreneurship in the future.
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Understanding the Music Industries / SAGE Publications Ltd ~ Understanding the Music Industries . . This is an invaluable book for anyone who wants to know how the modern music industry works. Students will find it clear and enjoyable to read, musicians will find it revealing and helpful, and budding music entrepreneurs will find it provides real insights. It is up-to-date, informed by the realty of the modern music business, and balances theory with .
Understanding the Music Industry: Music Publishers, Syncs ~ Understanding the Music Industry: Record Labels, A&Rs, Distribution, Pluggers and PR. Before we finish, I want to ask you a question that you can answer in the comments below; “What is your experience working with publishers? Do you think artists should do it themselves, or that there is added value in finding a good partner?” Continue reading the third episode here, where we talk about ar
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