Beschreibung Food and Drink Tourism: Principles and Practice. Dedicated to the growing field of food and drink tourism and culinary engagement, Sally Everett offers a multi-disciplinary approach to the subject, embracing theories and examples from numerous subject disciplines.Through a combination of critical theory reflections, real-life case studies, media excerpts and activities, examples of food and drink tourism around the world as well as a focus on employability, Food and Drink Tourism provides a comprehensive & engaging resource on the growing trend of food motivated travel & leisure.Suitable for any student studying tourism, hospitality, events, sociology, marketing, business or cultural studies.
(PDF) Food and Drink Tourism: Principles and Practices ~ Food and Drink Tourism: Principles and Practices. May 2016 ; Publisher: Sage; ISBN: 9781446267738; Authors: Sally Everett. 14.09; Anglia Ruskin University; Download full-text PDF Download full .
Food and Wine Tourism - CABI ~ This established textbook explores how regions, and food industry, travel and hospitality companies present themselves to tourists experiencing the culture, history and ambience of a location through the food and wine it produces. It provides practical suggestions and guidelines for establishing a food-related tourism destination and business, discussing the environment, understanding the food tourist, supply issues, tours and tasting sessions, themed itineraries, planning and developing the .
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