Beschreibung Jo Malone: My Story. `A gripping but utterly heartrending read' - The Sunday Times `A must-read for beauty fans and budding entrepreneurs alike' - Glamour `Honest and inspiring' - Good Housekeeping `Inspirational' - Prima `A fantastic read... Honest and inspirational... Jo's couragous story is not just for those who are fans of famous scents and fancy bags, but also for budding entrepreneurs' - The Sun `Inspiring and insightful' - Woman & Home `You won't fail to be inspired by this scented story' - YOU Jo Malone is the inspirational British businesswoman responsible for creating her globally renowned beauty business and, more recently, her new brand 'Jo Loves'. This, her first autobiography, tells in full her incredible journey from modest beginnings as a teenager, struggling with dyslexia and leaving school with no qualifications, to becoming an international brand name and one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs. Jo's lively story explores how her fascination with smell teamed with her natural ability to create world-famous blends such as 'Lime, Basil & Mandarin', revolutionised the way we think about fragrance. Her unique talent for pioneering innovation and originality within her field is unrivalled. Yet, despite her success, she has faced huge challenges with courage and determination, including being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 37 and told she only had nine months to live, and her decision to go it alone after selling the original Jo Malone brand to the Estee Lauder Corporation and walking away in 2006. Jo's commitment and down-to-earth approach to life, work and family makes her one of the most likeable and well respected personalities in British retail and her honesty, hard work and entrepreneurial grit are an inspiration to all.
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