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    Fashion Promotion in Practice (Required Reading Range)

    Beschreibung Fashion Promotion in Practice (Required Reading Range). Fashion lives and dies by stories. Aiming to 'tell the stories of fashion', Fashion Promotion in Practice both instructs and inspires through an entertaining look at contemporary promotional practice within the fashion industry, showing you how you can apply this to your own future brands and campaigns. Offering crucial insights into the how and why of promotional practice, Fashion Promotion in Practice explores the key issues and main areas of fashion promotion, including fashion film, the democratization of the catwalk, strategic brand collaborations, fashion magazines, celebrity endorsement, curating the fashion space, advertising, public relations, and campaign planning and evaluation. Each chapter also explores the key technologies, events and activities, which have shaped each practice.Beautifully illustrated, this go-to guide for fashion promotion contains exercises, case studies and interviews with major industry professionals, including Oliviero Toscani, Adam Drawas, Rebecca Grant, Kathryn Ferguson, Georgia Hardinge and Josie Roscopp, Diane Pernet, Andrea Leonardi and Katie Baron, making it a must-read for all those involved in the fashion industry.

    Buch Fashion Promotion in Practice (Required Reading Range) PDF ePub

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    Fashion Promotion in Practice (Required Reading Range) Jon ~ Fashion lives and dies by stories. Aiming to 'tell the stories of fashion', Fashion Promotion in Practice both instructs and inspires through an entertaining look at contemporary promotional practice within the fashion industry, showing you how you can apply this to your own future brands and campaigns. Offering crucial insights into the how and why of promotional practice, Fashion Promotion .

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