Beschreibung Film Studies: An Introduction: Teach Yourself. An unpretentious guide for all those who want to learn to analyse, understand and evaluate films.Film Studies: An Introduction provides an overview of the key areas in film studies, including aesthetics, narrative, genre, documentary films and the secrets of film reviewing. From Hitchcock and Tarantino to Spielberg and Bigelow, you will gain a critical understanding of legendary directors and the techniques and skills that are used to achieve cinematic effects. Whether you are a film studies student or just a film buff wanting to know more, this book will give you an invaluable insight into the exciting and incredibly fast-moving world of film.Understand Film Studies includes:Chapter 1: Film aesthetics: formalism and realismChapter 2: Film structure: narrative and narrationChapter 3: Film authorship: the director as auteurChapter 4: Film genres: defining the typical filmChapter 5: The non-fiction film: five types of documentaryChapter 6: The reception of film: the art and profession of film viewing
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Doc « Film Studies: An Introduction: Teach Yourself # Download ~ BRAND NEW, Film Studies: An Introduction: Teach Yourself, Warren Buckland, An unpretentious guide for all those who want to learn to analyse, understand and evaluate films. Film Studies: An Introduction provides an overview of the key areas in film studies, including aesthetics, narrative, genre, documentary films and the secrets of film reviewing. From Hitchcock and Tarantino to Spielberg and .
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Film Studies: An Introduction: Teach Yourself - Warren ~ An unpretentious guide for all those who want to learn to analyse, understand and evaluate films. Film Studies: An Introduction provides an overview of the key areas in film studies, including aesthetics, narrative, genre, documentary films and the secrets of film reviewing. From Hitchcock and Tarantino to Spielberg and Bigelow, you will gain a critical understanding of legendary directors and .
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David Bordwell – Wikipedia ~ David Bordwell (* 23.Juli 1947) ist ein US-amerikanischer Filmwissenschaftler.Er lehrte als Professor für Film Studies an der Universität von Wisconsin und ist jährlicher Gastdozent an der internationalen filmschule köln.Sein gemeinsam mit seiner Frau, der Filmwissenschaftlerin Kristin Thompson (* 1950) verfasstes Buch Film Art: An Introduction gilt als eines der Standardwerke der .
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